Chapter Twenty-five

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Chapter Twenty Five

Stuart Spencer

At around about half one I felt the cover being lifted off of me, and when I opened my eyes Gareth was climbing into my bed next to me.

He cuddled up to me and whispered in my ear, ‘I wanted to say thanks for helping me get out of the river.’

‘Not a problem, you would of the done the same for me,’ I said with the utmost certainty.

‘I wouldn’t, because I’m scared of water, that’s why I fainted when I hit it; I just started panicking and blacked out,’ he replied.

‘You don’t need to thank me for it though,’ I stated.

‘I do and I’m going to,’ he reiterated.

Then his hand went under the cover, and he laid it on my chest and started moving his hand down my body, as he reached the elastic of my pyjama bottoms his finger went under it and in seconds he was clutching my now throbbing cock, then he disappeared under the covers and suddenly my cock was immersed in the amazing warmth of his mouth as he started bobbing up and down slowly, and gradually increased in speed and movement. Suddenly electricity was pulsing through my body and I started humping my hips up and down, ramming my cock further down Gareth’s throat as I reached the most amazing orgasm I had ever experienced as shot after shot after shot of cum hit the back of his throat, and he swallowed every drop.

I then returned the favour and gave Gareth the greatest orgasm he ever had.

Afterwards we fell asleep in each other’s arms, and woke in the morning feeling refreshed and awake, and also to the shocked faces of Junior and Oliver when they saw us wake up together in the same bed.


Sunday is the quietest day on St Evans campus. Not much happens so we usually spend our time catching up on prep and playing sport. After my night of loving with Gareth I had all the energy in the world, and felt a competitive game of badminton was on the card, unknown that back in primary school Oliver was the regional champion so I had to beat him to show him I was better.

By the end of the game I was one up and because we were getting tired and with our energy gone, we were clumsily hitting the shuttlecock back and forth until someone made the silly mistake and missed it, that person was me I had just enough energy to smash the shuttlecock down on Oliver’s side when the sun caught me in the eyes and I swung the racket in mid-air missing the shuttlecock by inches, and with no energy left to move I feel forward exhausted as Junior caught me before I smashed my face off the concrete court.

‘Come on we need to get you inside before you end up with a black eye matching mine,’ he said with a chuckle.

We dragged and walked both Oliver and Gareth back inside, and had to sit Gareth down before we could carry Oliver up the stairs that was paralysed by exhaustion.

When we reached the dorm we were undressed by the designated boyfriend and pushed into the shower, ten minutes later we came out full of life but still a little tired.

We got dressed and we all headed to the recreation room when the conversation turned to the night before.

‘So Gareth how did you magically appear in Stuart’s bed this morning, and don’t tell me you had a nightmare because I know you didn’t?’ asked Junior.

‘I don’t know what you talking about,’ Gareth said has his face flushed with embarrassment.

‘Don’t lie when you woke up I also woke up. When I adjusted to the light in the room you smiled  before you climbed out of Stuart’s bed and I headed to the bathroom,’ stated Junior.

‘I woke up before you, and jumped in to Stuart’s bed just to speak to him quietly so we didn’t wake you up,’ Gareth replied.

Then Oliver spoke, ‘You actually woke up at half one, because I was coming back from the toilet. Since you were so eager to jump in to bed with Stuart you didn’t notice me get back into my bed, and as I tried to get back to sleep I couldn’t because there was heavy breathing coming from your side of the room and with only you two over that side and Gareth jumping in to bed with you Stuart, something was bound to happen. And I have a pretty good idea what but don’t worry because me and Junior have also travelled down that road a little bit earlier then you two and we’ve been together less time then you two.’

‘Oh well, it was going to happen sooner or later; it’s what makes the relationship grow and develop,’ said Gareth.

‘Yes, but wait until you’re both ready and if you go any further, always use protection. That reminds me I need to buy some more,’ said Oliver.

‘Some more how many do you need?’ I asked.

‘Just about twenty-dozen,’ was Oliver’s immediate reply.

‘You horny little bugger,’ was my response.

‘It’s what makes a relationship grow,’ Junior said with a grin.

‘Yeah, but you don’t need to fuck each other’s brains out to show it to each other,’ Gareth said.

‘Watch your language, and anyway when is dinner I’m a little hungry?’ Oliver asked.

‘In about an hour’s time, check the fridge in the corner and if there any Diet Coke cans in there it’s mine,’ I said.

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