Chapter Ninety-seven

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Chapter Ninety Seven

Gareth Middleton

The end of the term came and went and as always I was back in school starting my second to last term. With two terms to go, including examinations and then graduation, I got straight back to work.

As usual Oliver and I adopted the same system, two hours on our own prep and one hour helping each other, and this was to continue until our final A Level exam on the last day of this term was complete.

By midterm the exams were in full flow, and with the AS Level of the fourth years drawing to a steady close. I was preparing myself both mentally and physically for three weeks of hard work. After all, these were the grades that counted, these were the grades that would determine my career, these were the grades that will change my life or turn it upside down.

So ready to go I entered my first exam full of confidence, and looking forward to the next two hours and hopefully top grades.


I left the exams, knowing I did my best and that’s all they could ask of me, but secretly I knew my best was never my best, there was always something missing always that final pin head fragment that is never there. And somehow always returns when I leave the examination room.

I headed back to my room and collapsed into bed nearly falling on top of Stuart, who was already slowly drifting off to sleep after the exam, I cuddled up to him, laid my head on his shoulder, and slowly fell asleep next to him.

We woke to the bell ringing for dinner, so groggy and rubbing sleep from our eyes made our way slowly to the mess.

As we sat down and began tucking in to chicken curry and rice conversation turned to exams, ‘So how do you think you did with the exam you three?’ Junior asked.

‘Okay, and I don’t think I could do anything better, or improve on what I wrote,’ I replied.

Junior swallowed what food he had in his mouth and spoke again, ‘These exams, I feel were the best exams I’ve ever done and at the right time as well.’

‘Every exam I take, I always try my best. I just get into the mind-set and go for it.’

Junior nodded and said, ‘You see I was completely the opposite of you the first three years, I just messed about and yes I paid the price with some very low grades. But when the fourth year came around I got myself together and look last year I got my best ever grades to date, and now I’m confident this year that I may end my school days with top marks in all my subjects.’

‘I’ll be a happy if I match them,’ I responded.

‘Well, I hope we get the grades we deserve, and take them with us all the way to New York,’ Junior said.

We finished off dinner and spent the rest of the day revising and watching a movie in the recreation room, before we all went to bed and hopefully wake ready for another day of exams and revision.


The next day I had science in the morning and math in the afternoon not two of my best subjects, but hopefully if the day works in my favour some good answers giving me top marks like last year.

Feeling refreshed and energised from a good night’s sleep, I entered my science exam, sat down, cracked my knuckles, and picked up my pen. As soon as the clock started my pen started.

Two hours later I reappeared again and headed to the mess, grabbed some lunch kicked my chair back, sat down as a smile spread across my face and thought to myself, smashed it.

Math went by just as quick as science and soon I was back in my room chilling out on my bed, with Stuart spooned up against me.


Soon the final week of term arrived along with my two final exams drama and dance. Luck, obviously my two favourite and best subjects, I just knew I was going to smash them and get my A* that I knew I deserved. The written part was already complete so just the performance and execution part to go, along with the two annoying questions at the end.

Finally my exams were over and I could relax for the last two days of term and get prepared for the final term, and the big announcement, which will decide my future and technically the rest of my life.

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