Plane flight

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Hannah had been constipated for about 2 weeks now and she was getting worried, Hannah had taken laxatives the day before. She was sitting down in her seat when a sudden pain in her stomach hit her "ow" she cried. The obese man next to her looked at her strangely and then turned around and went back to sleep. She ignored the pain for a while but then it grew, she let a big fart that went for about 15 seconds Hannah knew what was coming. She went to the bathroom but someone else was in there, Hannah waited about 20 minutes but the person still did not come out so she went back to her seat, Hannah stood up and weaved her fingers into her bum crack she felt wet slimey stuff. Oh no Hannah thought. She went back to the toilet and saw it was open so she went in she pooped till the toilet bowl was full to the brim, and farted a lot. The flight attendant told she could not be in there any longer, as soon as she thought she could poop no more she kept pooping. People started banging on the door saying things like: I'm going to pee my pants, I need to poop so bad. Hannah felt so bad, but she needed to poop really bad as well. Suddenly she heard keys jingling the noise was coming this way, the door unlocked the co captain walked in. He stared at Hannah who was sitting on the toilet pants down and said.... "get off... there are people out there who have peed and pooped there pants waiting in line" so Hannah had to walk out and see everyone who was in line for the toilet while she was looking she did a huge wet fart and poo exploded everywhere while she was farting, a few logs came out as well everyone stared at her, she ran back to her seat and hid her face. When it was time to stay buckeled up and not move around the cabin. She needed to poo bad so she told the flight attendant, but she just handed her a sick bag. "What am I supposed to do with this" she asked " poo in it"
Hannah was shocked, but she would do anything. To get red of the pain in her stomach. So she went back to her seat stood up, put the bag in front of her bum and let the poo fall in, everyone on the plane was watching but she did not care she was not friends with any of them and didn't even know there names. The flight crew all gasped except for the lady who gave her the bag she hid her face, when she was done she used some tissues from her pocket to wipe. When it was time to land Hannah felt good but also very embarrassed, she was relived she had got the poo out. And definitely happy to get off the the plane

 And definitely happy to get off the the plane

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