Cat lady

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A month ago, a little girl watched through her window, waiting for her older sister to return from school. Lakeside High to be precise.
As her sister stepped off the bus. The little girl, Joy, ran and hugged her sister. "Welcome home, Kara!" She squealed.
Her sister hugs her back. "I've only been gone for a few hours", Kara murmurs. Joy nods and drags her to their backyard. "Father got us a new ball to play with." Joy replies.
The girls decide to play catch, but they throw low so they don't throw it over into the other yard, that their parents warn them about.
After playing for a while, Kara decides to throw it higher so, it would be harder for Joy to catch, but the ball flies over the fence. "Oh, no!" ,The girls cry.
Kara shakes her head and decides to head inside. "No, wait. We can still get it." Joy says, pointing to the gate. Kara shakes her head. "But, mom and dad said..." Kara says, but is interrupted by Joy's puppy eyes, and Kara nods.
The girls quietly open the gate and head over to the other side of the house. The search high and low, until they see the ball in the neighbor's yard.
Joy bends down and places her hand under the fence and grips the ball. As she tries to pull her hand out she realizes her hand is stuck and tells Kara to get mom and dad.
Kara runs back to the house. After telling her mom and dad, what happened, they head over to help Joy, but she is not there. 
All is left is the small ball that rolls to Kara's  feet. Kara starts crying and her parents call the police.
The police arrive and search through other neighbor's houses. They finally reach the house where Joy was stuck and the knock on the door.
The door slowly creaks open and they see a short old woman. She has beady little eyes and and a toothless smile.
She has a pink furry sweater on and insists that they come inside. The family and the police enter the tiny home.
Pink is everywhere. The walls are covered with pictures of several cats.
This was definitely a cat lady, Kara thought.
They ask her a few questions and the lady says she never saw Joy, she just saw the girls playing in the backyard. Kara feels chills up her spine.
As they are about to leave the police ask her about Joy, one more time and the lady says, "No I have not seen her, now if you want excuse me, I have to feed my babies." The lady says, with a toothless smile. Kara shutters.
Leaving the house, Kara swear she saw little beady eyes watching her movement from out of the lady's window.

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