Cat lady part two

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That night, Kara felt suspicious of the elderly lady. There was no way that the lady did not see her sister, after mentioning she saw them playing in their fenced backyard. Kara decides to find her sister on her own and grabs a pocket knife.

Kara realizes she can't enter from any doors or that might wake her up, so she enters from the tiny cat door. She starts to feel wrong entering the old lady's house but she has to find her sister. She slowly creeps down the stairs and feels something huge and heavy blocking her path, at the bottom of the stairs. She feels several eyes watching her in the dark. Kara hears moaning and scratching. She gulps and turns the basement light on. Nothing, no heavy thing is blocking her path, no noises. Nothing. She finds a door in the small basement, hidden by boxes. She walks over to it and looks for a key.

The key is hanging from a cat statues neck. Weird, this lady had cat pictures and statues of cats but she has not seen a single real cat here in sight. Not yet.
She takes the key and unlocks the door. Perhaps her sister is in here. She pushes open the door. The room is dark. Her hand searches a light switch and clicks it on. There is only a few lights in the room and she peers around and sees her sister tied up in the corner. This room was a lot bigger then the whole house. She run towards Joy and takes the pocket knife and cuts her loose. She sees that Joy's leg is bleeding. Kara lifts Joy up and sees Bowls with names on them. Above them she sees pictures of the cats. Now that she is closer they look bigger and larger in the picture. They hear growling behind them as they slowly turned around. A giant tabby cat is drooling in front of them. It opens its mouth. It has multiple sharp teeth and a forked tongue. It's black beady eyes stare down at them. They hear creaking from the basement stairs and sigh a breathe of relief, believing that is the police. It is not.

As soon as the door opens, the elderly lady walks in and clicks a button. Joy disappears into thin air. She was just a hologram. Joy's real body is on the ground. Her body is stiff. Kara cries out and pulls out the knife, and holds it out to protect herself. The cat bites the knife and swallows it whole. Then more monstrous cats appear and corner Kara. Kara holds Joy's body in her arms and whispers, "Please", to the elderly lady. The elderly lady cocks her head to the side and says, "It's time to feed my babies!".

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