The hotel room (true story)

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Yes, this is a true story

At around mid-night in San Diego, two guests, at a very very old hotel (that they can't remember the name of), were laying in the bed, unable to sleep.

They couldn't sleep because the hotel was playing creepy music in their room that they never asked for.

The creepy music made them want to turn on the lamp on the bedside table. It stayed on while they watched some tv until their eyes grew weary.

They flicked the lamp off but it wouldn't turn off, they kept flicking it on and off, and on and off and on and off but the light never turned off.

So they decided to unplug the lamp from the wall, because when you unplugged anything it would turn off.

But not in this case. The light still was on, even though they unplugged it and turned it off.

What made the situation even worse is that the music was still playing, while the unplugged lamp was on.

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