Izzy bug

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It all started on the beach.

May was pregnant, and needed some time away from her teenage boys, so she decided to go to the sort of beach, Lake Erie.
With her feet in the rocky sand, her water broke. She started to run to her car, but felt sudden pain, and realized she was going to have this baby then and there.
She sat down on the sand and prepared herself, but suddenly the baby just popped out, like that.
Later at the hospital the doctor was inspecting the baby, when it's eyes suddenly opened. The doctor looked down to see what color the baby's eyes were, but his eyes widened and he ran out of the room.
May looked down at her baby boy, and saw something strange. The baby's eyes were not green-brown like her or blue like her sons and her late husband.
The baby had huge eyes that circled in different directions, and changed colors. The baby started crying and she cradled it in her arm. "Izzy, your name will be Izzy." She murmured, "You and me can be different together." Pointing to her missing arm. The baby smiled up at her and twitched.
   As Izzy grew older he still twitched and his eyes still turned around and around. May cared for him, and even bought him sunglasses to hide his eyes. She also had no visitors, and no one knew he had been born, except for she, and her sons.
    But what she didn't know is that when she would leave the house, Izzy's brothers, Andrew and Ethan, would when he was reading downstairs, they would rip the book from his hands and shove him to the ground and punch him while calling him, bug eyes, and whatnot.
Poor Izzy would run upstairs to his room without crying but instead shaking, and remain up there until May came home. But when he left his room to give his mom a hug, he was well, with no bruises, black eyes, or marks that the boys had made on him.
      Izzy was a strange child. Instead of playing outside he would read or just lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling, making buzzing sounds. Whenever he got hurt he would run upstairs and return when his mother came home, with no marks on him. So his mother never would find out, that his older brothers were hurting him, but how? His brothers wondered. Until one day, the brothers have had enough, and in their dumb minds they decided to kill little Izzy.
    One day while their mother was on an a errand. Andrew and Ethan grabbed every match they had and lit them, and ran out of the house. The heat of the fire tingled against their skin, as they watched the house burn.

A few days later...

May had believed that, as the boys told her they were cooking dinner for their mother, when a fire started, they ran out of the house, but had forgotten Izzy inside. They had a small funeral for him, because when the fire had been put out, Izzy's body was never found.
May and her two sons had been living with their aunt, May's younger sister. May had been remaining up in the guest room crying. It was no secret now that Izzy had been her favorite. May was previously reading something shocking in one of her sister's children's room. 
She heard the door bell ring, and quickly turned on the faucet and splashed the cold water on her face, before heading down stairs.
The boys looked out the window with a look of worry on their faces. May opened the door, and to her surprise it was Izzy. He was drenched in water, and was shaking. May hugged him in her arms. "How did...How are...how?" She asked in amazement. He stared coldly at his brothers, they backed up slowly. Izzy grabbed a match, lit it and threw it into the living room. He grabbed May's wrist tight. May shook her head fast. "No!" She screamed. Izzy grabbed her other wrist, "Like flys we multiply, and fly." He whispered, then laughed coldly, "You can never get rid of me!" Andrew his face red from the flame, shot a bullet at Izzy, it hit him hard, and he tumbled to the ground. Then another Izzy appeared on the door step, with no wounds and grabbed May's hand. He sprouted disgusting wings, locked the door and flew away with May. As the brothers fainted to the ground.

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