*finger guns*

26 3 4

yo hey hi

i'm reese
a depressed teen
and i love wyatt oleff (^ω^)
no joke he's amazing ^

sophia deserves more recognition
same with chosen like hhhngh
+ jeremy
& people need to stop hating jack oop thnx

uhhhhhhhhh i like everything sucks! a LOT

uhm my boyfriends really cute ????? he's also friends with most of my close friends on here ಥ_ಥ such fun

hmmmm im probably shorter than u

im probably bi?? but i have no clue hA kill me tf

i love -aIexx , mia and once again, wyatt oleff more than u

that's about it

cya ƪ(˘ᴗ˘)┐

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