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After the curse swept through the land time went on. Smoke passing through the grounds leading to world drove into chaos. Walking down a long rail rood track, is a woman with pitch black hair, supernaturally blue eyes and pointed ears. Upon her armored back is a bow and quiver. On her right is a blond haired male elf, with grey eyes.Wearing boots clearly found else where, brown trousers and leafy green tunic made from a the fur of a fire rat. Quiver on his hip and sword on his back. To her right is a man dressed in brown clothes,dark brown trousers and boots. Standing 6'6'' with Dark hair, mixed with flecks of grey. His green eyes squint in the morning son, is ears normal clearly human.

Walking in front of them is a woman dressed in a purple pleated,flower-patterned dress. In black high heeled boots. Black spaghetti-string camisole under a white sash that wraps around her neck. And over her chest. A yellow patterned obi with a chōchōmusubi knot and adecorative obidome to clinch the cords. Two separate, kimono-like sleeves complete the outfit. The design of her staff is based on the Khakkhara, a staff used by practitioners of Buddhism.

She has long brunette hair that stops in the middle of her back. She wears a blue-beaded earring on her right ear, hidden by a lock of her hair, woven into blue beads with gold rings around the larger, middle bead. She wears a silver pendant. Her left eye is blue, while the right is green.

Stopping in her tracks, "Elender, did you hear that?" Asked the woman,"Get behind us Lady Kikyo." She looks at him unsure but nods in acceptance. "Alena, Niklaus come protect Lady summoner. Whilst I search for the cause of the worry." Nodding their head they moved into formation. Drawing their chosen weapons at the ready, they waited for Elenders return.

And from a swarm of purple smoke the story begins.

''After Jareth and Maleficent teamed up together, a curse swept through the realm of the Enchanted Forest. Sweeping those of fairy tales vanished in a whoosh of wind and magic. Waking in a land not of their own with only their first name as resembling the original. Two towns known to the world as sub-normal is far from that. Living the Fairy Tale folk to live and die and their descendants refer to themselves as fae. The Fae have been surviving for Centuries, with some unknowing of what they are.''

The name is usually applied to a very large universe that is much larger than what is normal for such a structure. There is a strong possibility that most normal universes are already infinite in size.Being even larger, that just means that these Universes that are larger than infinity itself, usually being some type of higher order. Time is infinite and with the curse swallowing up not one earth but the multiverse itself. What is left is born of a new world. The interior of this new multiverse is indescribable. It appears to be made of repeating fractal structures composed of stars, galaxies, and even entire super clusters. These objects swirl around each other in vortexes trillions or quadrillions of light years wide, which in turn combine to form huge pillars and sheets of vortexes. The pillars and sheets stack on top of each other and swirl around in larger and larger groups in much the same way that turtlies do; four-, five-,and six dimensional polytopes, impossible Escher-like bridges between spheres of light, and objects so vast that even deities could not comprehend their true size.

inside it, but not necessarily. A tower rest in a world protected by a cowboy called a gun slinger. The tower holders together the vase of multiverses spread across space and time. Multitudes of people and versions of them those trillions of universes.

Yet born of the void between states of being, the Phoenix Force is a child of the universe. In the dying moments of the previous universe,the Force saved all existence from eternal damnation, enabling Eternity to preserve the Enchanted Foresters, ensuring his re-creation as Earth. The Force was subsequently reborn from the cosmic fires of the "Big Bang." The Force was drawn back to Earth when it was awakened to reality by the fight, between the creature of fear (IT) from purple smoke of battle and in the clearing first to arrive. A city tower crashed into massive mountain side, a creation of a fire-like burst streaming out in beams. Leaving a gorgeous gargantuan fortress, formed from stone, wood and cement.

In the distance exploding out of thin air is a tribe calling themselves La-Push Colony. The mountain came to life in a matter of seconds. As the fog cleared the humans appeared across the planet. As time continued something strange appeared beneath the ocean and above it.Traveling deep beneath the sea passing cobble stones and sunken ships. Swimming around in a territorial manner are creatures with scaly tails like a shark. long hair flowing behind them as they sing.Continuing further passed the deadly siren song, traveling through the darkened catacombs of tunnels. Above them sails the Isla Sirena, and not far away floating in the distance It is cut off from the rest of the world and is surrounded by an enchanted force field to keep all the island's devious inhabitants from leaving, disabling their magic, and preventing more than one channel on the televisions from showing; Wi-Fi and cell phone signals also don't work here. Due to the barrier, it is always overcast for the residents; they can't see the stars at night. It's unknown what exactly will happen should an inhabitant attempt to leave while the barrier is active; likely it would be similar to running into a wall.

The island interior mainly resembles a slum, with poorly constructed dwellings. The Isle is also known as the Island of the Leftovers. Rusty old coins are used as the currency on the island.

Surging further through the ocean of water like tunnels, emerging in a lost kingdom located deep underwater somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, where an ancient,isolated, and highly advanced civilization. Swimming through the ocean with a riptide across the barrier, a very muscular and tall man white eyes, dark brown shoulder-length hair with blonde tips, and a thick beard of medium length. He appears to have Atlantean tattoos that represent his underwater heritage, while also wearing native Atlantean armor, from his wrists to his right shoulder. He also wears his royal Atlantean armor that covers his whole upper body. Entering the palace landing in a throne room, "Arthur, is that you? We need to talk?" asked a woman.

Arthur turned around his hand wrapped around Poseidon's trident. Suddenly a split separated the water from the In swam a woman dropping into a full walk, she has white hair and brown skin. She has blue-colored tattoos (which represent teardrops),which appear to change slightly after she becomes Queen, and large blue eyes. She also wears a shard of the crystal around her neck. she wearing a simple blue bikini, the top being a strapless bandeau and the bottoms are covered with sarong type skirt and she goes around barefoot. "Kida Nedakh of Atlantica, why'd you summoned me?"asked Arthur approaching her wrapping his free hand around a shard of Shikon no Tama(四魂の玉,しこんのたま,"Jewel of the Four Souls").

"Arthur, we need to talk. The Amazons and Olympians warned us of the arrive of man. A new generation of humanity is born, populating the earth in record time. Seems things are on transpiring in rapid speed. Both Demons and Angels children have spawned both in hell and above. Though through the creatures I've heard the Fae folk have appeared and a Fortress as appeared in New York City. Called the Institute and houses the breed Nephilims. At a headquarters and a high-tech and highly-protected operations center." Said Kida proceeding to star into Arthur's white eyes.

"I fear we are safer in the mist of the sea, so I persuade you to be on guard returning to your kingdom." Replied Arthur nodding thinking to himself of the kingdom safety.

Water returned to the palace before Kida transformed into a mermaid vanishing into the sea. With just a flap of her tail, Arthur watched swim out of the courtyard. "The war of creation, is not a immortal agreement for peace. Remember that!"

Enchanted Forest Book 3 The CurseWhere stories live. Discover now