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"Ms. Adler please report to main office, Ms. Adler please report to the main office." The speaker blared, making the seniors in the class all look up from their independent projects to glance at Ellie. The curly-haired female frowned, her eyes bouncing around the room before realizing the call was for her, and she packed her things, giving a nod to the teacher peering at her in the front. Ellie didn't take this request lightly considering she never really visited the principal's office often and when she did, it was always something light or positive. But for some reason, as Ellie took a deep breath and opened the heavy wooden door before her, she felt something was different about this visit.

"Ms. Adler please have a seat." The principal motioned towards the black cushioned seat in front of his desk and folded his hands. The guidance counselor stood next to him, her palm pressed against the desk. Ellie knew at that moment something was definitely wrong, her guidance counselor and her principal never asked to see her at the same time. Perspiration began forming by her temples and she gulped. She smoothed her skirt down as she took a seat, her eyes shifting between her guidance counselor's and her principal's. "How may I help you two?"

"Well we have good news and bad news. The good news is your grades have been paying off these past four years of high school. You're right on track for Salutatorian at the end of the year and the college you applied to as your first choice has reached out to us about you." The guidance counselor explained, smiling. Ellie struggled to contain her smile and fist pump under the desk.

"That's great to hear. What's the bad news?"

"The college that you would like to attend in the fall has the possibility of not inviting you this year. And this is because there's something that's lacking. Your grades are very well and your personality is great but you have only a few extracurriculars and you have no work experience."

"What does that mean? I don't know want to lose my opportunity to attend. Is there anything I can do?" The principal chuckled at her worried expression and reached over to pat her uniformed shoulder.

"Don't look so gloomy Ellie. All you need to do is work from now until the end of the summer and you'll have a guaranteed spot." Ellie sighed in relief and tucked a baby hair behind her ear. She stood up and opened her arms signalling for a hug from the guidance counselor. "Thank you so much you guys, I don't know what I would've done if I didn't receive help from you two."

"No problem. Based on your interests through out the school years we've referred you to a internship at the Youngblood Record Label company 30 minutes from here. Fill out the application and the job is yours."

After thanking the two one last time and continuing the remainder of her school day, Ellie dashed home and snatched her laptop off the kitchen counter. "Good afternoon mother." She rushed, kissing her cheek and running up the stairs. "Stop running so quickly you're going to fall!"

"I'll be fine mother!" She shouted back, jumping on her bed and turning on the computer. Ellie's parents were always overly protective of the girl and everyone in the neighborhood was well aware of that. Growing up, her mother and father always expected things from her, whether it be great grades to outstanding behavior where ever they go. From when she formed the ability to speak to the eighth grade her parents always signed her up for different programs, sports and clubs. The small female was overwhelmed to say the least and when she hit puberty she decided it was too much balancing two worlds for the happiness of her overachieving parents. Since ninth she hasn't participated in anything afterschool so she was expected to have even higher grades than before, if that was possible.

"So what exactly are you doing up here young lady? You didn't even get your afternoon fruits. I hope you aren't hiding anything. You know how your father and I are with secrets." Ellie's mother placed a bowl of fruits on her nightstand and put her hands on her hips, cocking an eyebrow. Ellie internally rolled her eyes, her mother would've murdered her if she actually did it in front of her, and turned to look up at her. "No mother I'm not hiding anything from you. I'm looking at the job I'm about to apply to."

"A job? What you're planning to leave us so soon?" Ellie sighed and closed her computer, placing it on her lap and crossing her legs. "Mother listen to me very carefully. If I don't get this job, I don't go to college. No I'm not trying to leave you," Ellie turned back around and placed the computer on her pillow, laying on her stomach. "Yet." She muttered, googling the firm she'll be attending as soon as she could.

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