Chapter Two

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Ellie wasn't sure what to do, say, or feel as entered the building, her eyes wandering the room. The place was spacious and a blend of primary and contemporary colors. "Are you Ms. Adler?" The receptionist asked, smiling at her as soon as they gained eye contact with one another. She nodded. A brunette in about her mid twenties waltzed through the room, a clipboard in her hand. "Ellie Adler? Follow me, I'll be giving you your tour." She announced. Ellie eyed the woman as turned her back to Ellie, leading the way to another room. She wore a heavy deal of makeup, and the black work dress she sported clung to her skin viciously. She welcomed Ellie and made her uncomfortable all in once, which was a weird combination of feelings on her first day.

"This is the room where most of our artists and song writers create music together, as you can see a piano is right over there and some sheets of loose-leaf and a pen is right here." The female explained, pointing to everything.

"That's so cool, how often do artists assigned to the label meet?" Ellie wondered, consumed in the aesthetics and creativity that suffocated the room.

"Ever so often. Last time was on Thursday. Mr. Hemmings and Mr. Clifford find some really creative people." Ellie cowered at the sound of her new boss' names and reminded herself why she was here. "Who will I be assisting?"

"Mr. Hemmings, he's actually in his office right down the hallway." The woman giving the tour power walked down the hall, her long brown hair cascading down her back. Ellie followed closely behind and bit her lip, realizing she was about to come face to face with her first boss. The "tour guide's" hands found their way to his door and she turned to look at Ellie in amusement. "Are you ready to go in?"

"No! I mean um can we look around some more instead. I want to get a taste of the place, it's really beautiful in here." The curly hair female rushed, playing with the zipper of her jacket. The female before her smiled sympathetically and released the door knob, turning to her and crossing her arms. "You nervous?" She asked. Ellie didn't reply and the dark-eyed female stuck out her hand. "I'm Sierra. I know it seems intimidating in here but trust me, it's all good. You'll fit right in. We'll see him later on today if that makes you feel any better."

"Thank you so much! I nearly had a heart attack. My first job actually." Sierra knocked on a black door not too far from Luke's office and when she heard nothing she opened it. "Really? You must be really special then, it's hard to get a job at this place. Here's one of our studio rooms."

The whole building had rooms of different intoxicating colors and shades, the hallways possessing more relaxed shades like beige, white, black, or grey. This room was a dark purple, and the furniture within it was black or dark blue. Sierra walked over to the control table and began touching buttons. Ellie was sure Sierra didn't know what the hell she was doing despite her inexperience with music, but she refused to say anything.

"What are you two doing in here?" The voice of a man boomed and both Ellie and Sierra turned around to see Luke. This was the first time Ellie seen the man in person, the only thing she knew of him was the pictures he posted on his website.

"I'm just showing your new assistant around sir." Sierra answered, quickly removing herself from the table and gripping the clipboard she carried around. Luke frowned and removed his eyes from Sierra, plastering them onto Ellie, who happened to have her eyes on her flats. "Ms. Adler?"

"Yes?" She looked up from her shoes and finally stared at his face. His blue eyes were dangerously piercing and gazing into hers, a loose curl tattooing his temple. He licked his pink lips and held out his hand, making Ellie jump back a bit before coming into terms with who he was. "Nice to meet you. " She finally uttered, taking his hand.

"Nice to meet you to. Ms. Deaton, get back to work I got it from here."

"Yes sir," she obeyed, heading towards the door. She turned back,"It was nice meeting you Ellie."

"You too." Ellie smiled, waving as she left. She turned back to Luke who was already staring at her with a cruel expression, and she immediately felt uneasy again. He wasn't unattractive in the slightest; didn't possess an unattractive bone in his body but he definitely tested her comfortability, and made her feel like these few months were going to be long ones.

"We're going to my office." Luke stated, taking his eyes off of her and walking back down to where they once was before. He turned the knob and opened the door, making his way to his desk and having himself a seat. "Sit down."

"Yes sir." She obeyed, following his actions.

"You're going to be my assistant for the next few months which means you'll be around me from when you walk in these doors to when you leave. If I'm not here I'll obviously leave out instructions for the day, and if I'm unaware that I'm not going to be here or something came up last minute, I'll text you and you'll take your day on from there. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal clear." Ellie replied, gulping and crossing her legs. She took this time to give the tall male a once over, and began to admire his every feature. He began to speak on but Ellie refused to pay attention even though she should've been. She was growing a liking to the man and she didn't even realize it.

"Ms. Adler did you hear what I just said?" Luke cocked an eyebrow, leaning forward in amusement. Ellie fell back to reality and blinked, nodding her head. "Yes sir."

"Good. You start tomorrow, don't be late." He stood up and Ellie realized how fucked she was for not paying attention. She followed his actions and stood up herself, dusting off the back of her skirt. "Great, have an amazing day Mr. Hemmings." She beamed and began showing herself to the door, his face on her mind for just a little too long.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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