Part 1 The beginning

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I was born and raised on a very small farm, in a very small town. Life was simple yet fun. I remember getting up in the mornings and helping my dad and grandpa gather eggs. Then we would eat a good breakfast. My dad and grandpa would then go work in the fields. Mom and grandma would be doing farm women stuff. Prepping for the next meal, cleaning, and laundry. My sister and I would go off and play. I was the oldest, my sister 2.5 years younger then me.

Most farms have trees surrounding the property to shield the house from dust storms. My sister and I called our trees "The Forests" and we would play all day long outside, only coming in for lunch. We had crazy imaginations. We played so much. We were carefree. Everything was perfect. Or so we thought.

Around 10 years of age my parents sat us down. They were separating and explained what it all meant to us. That is the very first time I remember the sky is falling down on me. I was so upset. I blamed my mother. I packed my little backpack and told my mom, "Mom I am running away. Will you drive me to grandma's house!?!" We lived 18 miles out of town, I knew I couldn't walk it. My mom said no. I begged her to let me go to grandmas. She said, "If you walk off this property I will call the police. They will send you to a foster home. Not grandma's house." That is also the first time I remember having an argument like that with my mom.

I stormed off upset. I did not run away. I just tried to follow along. My mom moved into town. My dad stayed on the farm. For the very first time in my life I had 2 homes. It was weird at first...but you get used to change quickly. My dad eventually moved into town also and my grandparents moved out to the farm. It was easier with dad in town because we were close to friends, things to do. But as soon as we got accustomed to it, everything changed.

My father moved in a girlfriend and her two girls. My dad had not been dating her very long before this sudden move. Her children were both girls younger then my sister and I. And ironically her daughter's first born's name was Brittany. Quite possibly the worst part of this period of time and probably my second traumatic experience (first was my parents separation and ultimate divorce) was the 2 girls had 2 little cats, probably 2 years old. I love animals so at first I was okay with these said cats. They were cool because they were twins. I could never tell the difference between them. I had to sleep with my bedroom door open because I was claustrophobic. One of those cats would come in my room in the middle of the night, jump on top of me, and pee. I would wake up every night to warm gross cat pee soaking my blankets going into my clothes. I begged my dad to do something-keep the cats downstairs or in their rooms at night. But my dad wouldn't help me and I ultimately had to shut my door. I couldn't sleep for 3 nights due to the claustrophobia. But I finally did it. And i couldn't sleep with a door open after. Not even at my mom's house safe from the horrible cats. Eventually my sister and I got to where we stopped going to dads. We hated the new woman and her kids. So we got used to the new normal. And just when things start to get rolling again and I can smile again...My mom drops horrible news. We are moving 3 hours West to a big city. We are moving with her boyfriend. But it will be a great adventure! So I had to say goodbye to the people I was grown and raised with. All the kids I went to school with we started preschool all together. And I had to say goodbye. Bu
t I was ok with it. I thought, What great adventures await for us, for me!? Little did I know it was the beginning of the worst for me...

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