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This was a story that I did for my school assignment but according to the teacher it wasn't our school appropriate. So I hope you like it. If there is anyone out there. CHECK THE PHOTO FOR FRONT PAGE.

5,119 days...14 hours...10 minutes​...5,119 days...14 hours... 11 minutes... the crackly voice coming from the speaker repeated. For years this is the only voice that I had heard. Locked in a cell with no human interaction. Noting lighting my cell except the stars under my eyes glowing blue. Once a day something would throw some old bread in and that would be my meal. Nothing will ever change. It so I thought. On day 5,119 was a special day. I hear a sound of another cell opening. Looks like someone like me, even though I don't who that is, got captured and will be tortured just like me. Thinking about it made me pity the other person. I thought that he or she didn't have to go through what I had to. Years of nothing but blackness. No love, no hate, no feeling. I thought about what I could do. ​Well I could just hope that they get out. No, that's not right. What if I help them escape. YES, that was it we could both escape and never have to be shut up in cells again. I think of the way person is feeling right now, sad, confused, and most likely scared. I made up my mind, I will escape on day 5,120. Over the years I have grown sure that they want my kind. Well they will have to fight for us. Even though I don't know what I was. So I made a plan.

I sit crouching by the door like a wolf on its prey. When the door creaks open a little and a hand comes in with a little piece of bread. I grab the hand and pull it in. Pinning the person to the ground I look at his face. ​Oh, so that's what I look like. Except with longer hair. I start to search him from top to bottom and find a pair of keys on a ring. Running out and closing the door was the first time I've seen the world besides my room. The world...was bland, dark and black just like my cell. ​Never again will I let them trap me.
Day 5, 120 came and I sat by the door waiting to pounce like a wolf and its prey. A hand comes in and I grab it and pull the person in. Pinned to the ground the man seemed scared of just a little girl. ​Something's off. Why would a man be this afraid of me? I take a​ look at his face and I think,​ Wow this must be what I look like. I look down​, well at least with shorter hair. I steal the bread out of his hand and shove it in my mouth as I search in up and down. On his vest there is a ring with too many keys to count.

I run out of the room locking the man inside of my cell.​ Now it's your turn to feel what I felt for YEARS! I start sneaking around the corner. So many cells, which one is my kind in. Looking close I see that every door has a symbol matching a symbol on the keys. I start with one with a yin and yang symbol. I hear the lock click and a voice, "Come closer," a young girl's voice whispered. I didn't want to but without hesitation I did. Her eyes where no eyes at all but just black voids, there was nothing there at all. Her hair black as night her face covered with grey. I go to her and then everything goes black.

wake up and hear her breathing. I dare not to move or something might happen. Never have I witnessed such power. After fifteen minutes of waiting she looks into my eyes and helps me up. "I am sorry, I thought you were the man going to feed me bread. I was going to escape," she says in a sad mono-toned voice.

"Well it looks like I got to it first. Who are you? How long have you been here?"

"I-I'm... I don't know who I am. All I remember is fighting this bad guy and blacking out and waking up in here. I've been here for two days and it has been driving my insane. Who are you?"

"I'm like you in some way. I don't know who I am, where I come from. I don't know who brought me here. All I know is that I've been here for 5,120 days. I know now that we are people other people think are bad. Why else would we be here?"

She thinks for a second," I know one thing is that I have a power. I have persuasion over the might. Like how I made you come to me."

"Well you're lucky you know that you have a power. Meanwhile I have no clue what I am. I'm like a nothing."

'You're not nothing. If you were nothing you wouldn't be here," she said, "just reach deep inside you. Just relax and think." I sit down cross legged and I let my mind go blank. I think of the girl with no eyes. I think the word 'dolor' and I instantly hear the girl scream. I open my eyes and see that the girl was in pain. I concentrate on the girl.

"​Relevador," I whisper. She stops screaming. I open my eyes and she looks at me. Or it looks like it anyway.
"What did you just do?," she asked in shock.

"I don't know. I thought of you and I said 'dolor' and you started screaming so I said 'relevabor'."

" What do those words mean?"

" Well 'dolor' means pain, and 'relevabor means ease. It's in Latin." I was surprised at how I knew what that meant.

"Well, we best be going if we want to escape," she suggested, "we'll escape and shut his place down and free all the others." And we started off.
We start creeping down the walls trying to avoid being caught by the guards. While doing this, we decided that we need to come up with some new names. I called myself Emily and her name was Rowan. As Rowan and I headed down the hall and we hear a voice. "Ya, we just got confirmation that two of the monsters escaped. We need this place on full lockdown. No one gets in or out." As soon as the human stopped talking, the room started flashing red. A loud alarm sound goes off and out of nowhere a group of around forty men comes around the corner. Before I knew it we were knocked out be this stuff from a syringe.

I was in a cage, just like before. One little difference is that it was too bright and I was with Rowan. Looking at my hands I see that they tied us up with high tech handcuffs. I which my attention to Rowan. She was also handcuffed but her mouth was duct taped shut. ​ no no no no! I will not sit here like a useless rock. I'll help her she is the only one who is like me. The one who showed me my power! She is like my sister! Wait.... Before this I didn't know my power........ So that most likely means that they don't know what my power is. I can catch them off guard and we can escape!!!!! I needed a lot of energy to do this, but for me and Rowan's freedom I would do this. I let my mind go blank. To get the attention of the guards I start to scream. My stars start to glow, I yell, "CRUCIATUS!!!!" As soon as I said that they fell to the ground with agony. "FEEL HOW I FELT YOU LOW LIFE PEICES OF CRAP, FEEL IT, FEELS GOOD RIGHT!!!!!"

I quickly run up to a guard to steal the key for the handcuffs. I search him from head to toe and I find the key. I unlock Rowans and she undoes mine. I rip off the tape on her mouth and instantly she says, "you are the best person I've ever met, Emily. I'll never forget this. You have to strength to take down hundreds of men with one word, I mean seriously. But let's get out of here before other guards come."

"Good idea." We weave through the maze of red light hallways and we finally see the door. We almost got there and a man walked in front of us.

"You thought it would be this easy to escape," his voice boomed. "I admit only you two have ever made it this far but, this is the end. Go back to your cells and we will pretend like this never happened."

"You wish dirtbag. You trapped Emily here for years," Rowan said, "we will escape and make you suffer for everything that you put her through."

"Never again will I go in there. Not even if you told me who I really am. Rowan do you want to do the honours?"

"I thought you'd never ask," she stared with her black voids as eyes into his. You will move aside. You will unlock every cell door and let everyone free. You will not bother any human with power again. Move." You could tell that he was trying to fight it but he couldn't. She was just too strong. He just walked away as if he was in a trace.

"Wow, that was awesome. Now let's get out of this dreadful place. Patentibus!!!" The door swung open. There was ​FREEDOM.

By: Megan Jelier

I hope you liked it. I did change some of the words in the "feel how I feel part" and made that part a bit better.(it had not as strong and power/hurtful words in it. Anyway to anyone out there please leave a vote I would really appreciate it.

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