Megaman X Fanfiction: Axl's Abilitys

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Axl tiptoed silently down the hallway, creeping closer and closer to the abyss that was Dynamo's room. He slowly (and what he thought was silently) opened the door. His eyes darted back and forth till they fell on a certain Reploid taking a nap. Axl gulped, and walked quietly over to Dynamo, who was throwing up a ton of 'Z's. He peered at Dynamo's face for a second, then he slowly lifted what he'd brought with him. A magic marker, which was the un-washable kind. Axl drew hearts, rainbows, and the word 'cutie' on Dynamo's face, and somehow Dynamo never woke up. Axl tiptoed out of the room. He then scurried away as fast as he could. "Yes yes yes yessssss!!" Axl said happily. Zero, who happened to be in the hallway, glanced at the young reploid with a face that said 'What did you do now?'. Axl stopped speaking, and began listening for either a yell, a scream, or his name. In a few seconds, he hear all three. Axl giggled and waved to Zero. "Gotta dash!" He said as he started running away still laughing. Zero was now quite curious. He  reaaaaallyyy wanted to know what Axl had done. The voice had yelled so loud, Zero wasn't sure who had said it.

Zero was feeling very very nosy, so he walked over to where the noise had come from. Promptly, Dynamo came out snorting, growling, and whispering something that sounded like "When I get that little reploid, so help me...". Then, Zero realized what Axl had done. Zero didn't giggle, but he did grin and say to Dynamo "Hey cutsie. Your new name sure fits you.". Dynamo just snorted. "Where's Axl!" Zero, who was calm, cool and collected, stared at Dynamo for a second, then spoke. "I have no idea." Dynamo got even angrier at this. He growled, then rushed off to find a certain young reploid.

Axl was running as fast as he could, which was very fast y'know. All the while giggling to himself. Then he turned around and say Dynamo catching up to him. Axl decided he had to go out of HQ to hide, so the red-head shot out the door as fast as he could, with Dynamo at his heels. Axl scurried as fast as he could to an abandoned warehouse (DUNDUNDUN). He wasn't sure if Dynamo saw him go in, but he was to tired to care. He sat down in a corner to catch his breath. Then the warehouse doors broke down, and Dynamo stepped in, still seething with rage. "You little-!" Axl tried to run out of the warehouse, but Dynamo blocked it. "Rats!" Axl said to himself.

Dynamo then grinned evily. The moment he grinned, Axl started to look for his guns. When he couldn't find them, he looked up at Dynamo with puppy dog eyes. "Please don't punch me. I'm soooo innocent." Then he giggled. "Don't ya understand, cutsie?" Dynamo nearly blew apart he was so angry. "YES I WILL HURT YOU AND NO I DON'T UNDERSTAND!!" Dynamo yelled. Axl gulped.  He slowly started backing away from Dynamo, who was walking towards Axl. Axl stupidly backed himself into a corner. Dynamo grinned evily again at Axl, who was starting to shake and sweat. "Hmm, what shall I do with you first? How about I step on you, then punch you?" Axl shook his head vigorusly. Dynamo was still grinning. "I think I will. So, let's begin then, shall we?" He took two steps toward Axl, who was freaking out.

At the same time, Zero had been looking all over for the two. He asked Cinnamon where she saw Axl go. "Oh, um, I saw Axl go out the door, and Dynamo was following him." Her face scunched up with worry, and she began to cry. "Oh, Dynamo isn't gonna hurt him, is he?" Zero was honest. He couldn't lie, since saying Dynamo wasn't going to hurt Axl would be a HUGE lie. "Uh.. I don't know Cinnamon, but I'm going to go look for Axl, OK?" Cinnamon nodded her head. Zero darted out the door as fast as he could, and did his best to follow Axl's footprints. After awhile, the footprints stopped about a mile away from the warehouse. Zero was getting more confused by the minute. "Where in the world did they go??" Zero said with a confused and irritated voice. Then he heard a familar scream. "Axl!" Zero rushed off towards Axl's screaming. He used his Z saber to cut threw the warehouse door. "Axl are you in here-" Zero stopped talking because his mouth was hanging open. Axl weakly did a thumbs up. "Thumbs down!" Dynamo said as he stepped on Axl's hand, causing Axl to squeak. Zero promptly chased Dynamo out, since everyone knows Dynamo hates fighting Zero. "Hey, you OK?" Zero asked as he helped Axl up. "Never...been...better!" Axl said with confidence, then promptly fell over. Zero sighed as he carried the young reploid back to HQ. Axl was murmuring "What should I do next?". Zero sighed again. "He'll never learn...".

 DISCLAIMER I DO NOT OWN MEGAMAN X OR ITS CHARACTERS :D Heeeeeeey! It's Cotton, and I surprised you all with a Megaman X fanfiction! Don't worry, it'll have tons more chapters and tons more characters.  Also, I love Axl, so I won't make Dynamo beat em' up again for a bit. Axl: *breathes sigh of relief* Anyway, sorry if you thought it was weird. WHATAMINUTE NO, NO NO NO NOOOO This isn't a serious fanfiction YET DUN DUND UN DUN DUN I'll see y'all next chaper!~Kay

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