Axl Gets Kidnapped, and Everyone thinks Alia did it? PART 2

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Alia had just noticed something in the maverick hunter base. It was strangely silent, and calm. "Maybe I'll go talk to Layer" Alia said to herself as she got up. She ran over to Layer, who was busy with something.

Alia: Hey Layer, whatcha doing?

Layer: *Hides paper* Nothing...

Alia: Looks like someone is in love with Zeroooooo

Layer: *blushes* I know, I wrote him a love letter. Do you think he'll like it?

Alia: Sure! It's sooo poetic and pretty. Anyways, did you notice too?

Layer: Zero's hot face? Yes.

Alia: Nooo, I mean the peace and quiet we've been having!

Layer: It is peaceful.. But it would be better if Zero were by my side.

Alia: *sigh* I'll talk to X and Zero.

Layer: Oooo, can I come???

Alia: Okay.

The two walk down the hallway, and enter the room X and Zero are in.

Zero: Hello.

X: Hi.

Layer: *giggles* Hi, Zero... You're looking cute as usual.

Zero: Thanks, and you look nice too Layer.

Layer: Kyaaaa! He said I looked nice! *faints*

Alia: *Catches her* Anyways, did you guys notice Axl was gone? I'm loving it!

X: He got Mcdonalds? Awwww...

Alia: No, I mean I'm loving that Axl isn't here, it's sooo peaceful.

Layer: *wakes up* Isn't Sigma on the loose?

Zero: Oh goodness.. Axl's probably dead.

X: Maybe he isn't.

Alia: He's probably kidnapped.

Layer: I wish I could be kidnapped so Zero could save me.

X: Wait, Alia how do you know he's kidnapped? ARE YOU HELPING SIGMA?!

Alia: No, I'm not helping old baldy. Fine, go rescue him. Zero and X, get your lazy butts up and go!

Zero: Don't you dare call me a lazy butt. I am not one.

Layer: Yeah! He isn't!

Zero: Thank you.

Layer: Kyaaa! *faints into Zero's arms*

Zero: Uhhh...

Layer: *Wakes up* Kyaaa! He's holding meeeeeee!

Alia: Anyway, have fun guys.


Everyone but X: O.o

X: Anyway, let's go.

Hey everyoneee! Les me! I have decided I like using the format of talking I did in this chapter. Anyways, so yeah! See you next page!~Kawaii (meh new nameee)

Axl: You forgot the disclaimer again..

Zero: I can do it, again. Kawaii does not own Megaman X or it's Characters.

Layer: Zero is sooo smart!

Axl: Axl is sooooo smart tooo! ;-;

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