Poor, poor, Iris. She needs a bodyguard? o.o PART 1

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Iris sat outside the medical bay, as calm as she could. Which wasn't very calm. Iris paced back and forth, as Lumine sat there watching her. "You know,  he's going to be alright, correct?" Iris turned to Lumine. "Umm, I hope so! Fluffy is such a... I don't know, a cutie to die." Lumine rolled his eyes at Iris. "He's died about 70 something times, so no, he isn't." Iris then began to ignore Lumine, since he kinda freaked her out. Gate opened the door, and Iris literally barreled Gate over.Gate noticed Lumine. "Why are you still here?" Gate asked Lumine, sounding both surprised and concerned. Lumine's facial expression didn't change. "Who cares? I can be where I want to be." Gate shrugged, then walked away. When he walked in, Iris was peppering Zero with questions, kisses, and of course, HUGZ. Zero was confused. Why was Iris so... Idk, weird right now? Iris then put her hands on her hips, and her eyes started watering. "Don't you ever do that to me again, Zero!" Zero nodded his head. "I'll try." Iris eyes shined once more, but this time it was joy and  happiness. She opened her mouth to speak, but Axl and X (who looked kinda beat up...) walked in. Axl starred at Zero so hard, Zero thought his head had a servere hole in it. "Uh, Zero, why are you in here?" Axl finally asked him. Zero shrugged. "I got beat up, oh, and I almost died." Iris started crying again. "YOU ALMOST DIED!? Oh, my poor baby!!" She then pulled Zero into such a tight hug, Zero thought he was going to pop like a bubble. X was limping, and, poor him, no one noticed. Zero then finally noticed X. "Hey X! What happend to you?" X couldn't answer. Axl said something about his mouth was messed up. Iris pulled Zero up, and they went out for a walk, so to speak. When I say that, I mean they were OUTSIDE of THE BUILDING okay? Okay. Zero started the conversation, since he felt the most awkward for some odd reason. "So, Iris, how've you been?" Iris turned to Zero and looked sad and joyful at the same time, which wasn't that hard to do. She sighed. "Well, my brother is after me." Zero's eyes grew to saucers. "Why?!" Iris shrugged. "I don't know! He's trying to kidnap me for some odd reason, and I can't imagine why." Zero was still wondering, when Iris pointed over his shoulder. "Look, Zero! There he is now." Colonel growled at the sight of Zero. Zero didn't flinch.

"Hello to you too, Colonel." Iris finally noticed the two were glaring at each other. "Boys, boys!!!" They contiuned glaring. "THIS ISN'T A FLIPPING STARING CONTESSSSSTTTT!" Iris screamed, but they still ignored her. Iris grunted and gave up, throwing her hands up in the air. "WAIT A SEC!!! COLONEL!" Her brother turned to her. "What, sister?" Zero hated how they always referred to each other as 'brother' or 'sister', but he said nothing, since Iris would go G.I. Joe. "Why are you trying to kill me?" Iris asked sadly. "Cuz I wanna." Colonel replied happily. "WTH!!! YOU'RE THE WORST BROTHER EVER!!!" It was Zero's turn to watch two people stare at each other, and well, it sucked. "Why can't you guys just part ways and never see each other again?" Zero put his knuckle under his chin. "Because then I'll feel guilty." Iris admitted. "Would you rather feel guilty, or feel dead?" Iris was confused. "If I'm dead, how do I-" "Just go with it." Iris looked thoughtful. Maybe being dead was worse than feeling guilty, because if you were dead, it wouldn't matter. Wait, did that make any sense? "Um, I'd rather feel guilty!" Iris decided. Zero sighed. It was like trying to teach a hamster to fly. "OK, so let's go!" Zero said impatiently. Colonel looked sad, and finally started crying like a 3 year old. "What's wrong with you?" Iris asked quite rudely, even though Colonel deserved it. "You guys forgot I was here!" Colonel wailed. Zero scoffed. "We weren't missing much." Colonel stopped crying and a red anger mark appeared on his forehead. "TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW YOU LITTLE RED HOTSHOT!!!" Zero walked right up to Colonel, and spat in his face. "No." He said. Iris sweatdropped, this was not going to end well. "Um, hey! Fluffy come on! X and whatshisname are over there!!" Iris grabbed Zero's hand and attempted to move him, but he didn't budge. "OMG! Like, what do you eat?" Zero would've raised an eyebrow, but he has none, so he didn't. "I'm a reploid. We don't 'eat'." Iris's eyes crossed. "Wow! That's so weird!" Zero just starred at her. Now it was Colonel's turn to watch two people stare, and well, it sucked.

"Hey X."

"Yes, Axl?"

"I've just realized something."


"Life sucks."

"...Yeah, it sure does."

"What do you wanna do?"

"Flappy bird, but with Zero as the bird."

"Cool! How?"

"I haven't the slightest idea."

"Dang, I was looking forward to that."

"What about me being a bird?"

"Ohhh! Zero! Hi!"

"Stop avoiding the point."

"Uh, did you do something different to your hair?"

"No, idiots, I did not."

"Let's go somewhere else, X."


*Zero dive kicks them* "Ha."

OMGGGG! I have not updated this and most of my fics in nearly a month! I'm really ashamed-

X: Then why haven't you been writing?

Well, it's just, I've been SO busy. I travel alot because of my brothers sports, and holidays, so I rarely am able to write. Just recently I went on a trip for Thanksgiving, hence the short absence. I know this chapter isn't that good, but it took me 5 minutes, so please be nice. ;-; ~Kay

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