The Innocent

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The Innocent

By Gabby Smith

Chapter 1

The year 3025, Beryl city

A murder had happen last night at 10:00 pm, a man was destroyed by a robot.
Too graphic to explain what happened to the poor fellow, but whoever made this Machine is a crazy psycho man!

(With Dr. Madeleine)

"And done!" Dr Madeleine said with excitement.

"Miss Madeleine how has your project been?" Asked her butler Baxter.

"Oh Baxter! It's so beautiful!" She said and clapped her hands.

"They said it could never be done! But I Dr Madeleine have done the unbelievable!" She yelled.

"I finally found a way to transfer life by ripping a human soul out and putting it in a robot, and that robot will live forever and work for free labor!" She said with a small crazy laugh.

"Oh miss Madeleine, what a unique idea... did it work?"

Madeleine stops laughing and thinks, she frowns.

"Actually no, I need someone to test it out... *looks at Baxter* can you-"

"Now Miss Madeleine what did I say about using "live" subjects on your project?"

"*sighs* you can't do that or you'll go to jail... *crosses arms* your no fun!"

Baxter smiles with a small chuckle.

"Well I'm trying to protect you."

"I know... but I'm a mad scientist, I'm supposed to do the unthinkable!"

"Oh Dr Madeleine remember your other creations?"

"Yes I do, but mean Detective Arnold always has to ruin the fun."

"Speaking of Detective Arnold, he would like you to meet him at his office."

She sighs.

"Is it about the piranhas in the lake, I swear it wasn't me!"

"No and we will talk about that later, there's been a murder and-"

Madeleine shakes, she grabs a suitcase and wears a fake mustache.

"Miss Madeleine what are you doing?"

"Sorry but I'm not Madeleine, I'm  Marco... me needs to go away a few days... maybe months, actually years are better"

"Miss Madeleine!... *sighs* listen let's just see what to do and then you can go back to making stuff."

Madeleine sighs and takes off her fake mustache.

"Fine... let's see what Mr. Party Pooper has to say this time." She said sarcastically.

"I know things will go ok."

(Time skip)

"Tell me about what happened last night!" Arnold yelled, Madeleine had her normal crazy smile.

"Well last night I was asleep, and then I woke up."

"I checked outside and it was two raccoons fighting over a fish, I just made bets with hobos on who  was going to win."

Arnold was confused, he shakes his head a little and growls.

"No I meant about the killer robot!"

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