Chapter 7

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Arnold gets a letter from Madeleine, she said to meet him at the new Vanderviles factory.

He waits for a while and then sees Madeleine walking towards him, she was wearing a business man outfits (with a fake mustache).

Arnold knows it's her and tries to not laugh.

'Oh my...'

When she walks up, she smiles.

"*clears throat* hello Mr Arnold." She said, trying to sound like a guy.

"*whisper* hey it's me Madeleine."

Arnold chuckles.

"Oh it is, well aren't you good with disguises."

Madeleine giggles and rolls her eyes.

"Laugh if you want, but let's be serious about this."

Arnold nods, they go up the stairs to the busy building.

"So Victoria is the person?"

Madeleine nods and told him why, then Arnold got the idea, he knew what she was talking about.

But before they went in, he stopped her.

"Are you really sure you trust me with this."

Madeleine giggles.

"Of course, but if you do go against me again *puts cane on his neck and pulls him close, scary look* I will end you very quickly." She said and then let him go, she smiles and walks in.

Arnold was shocked and terrified, he slowly walks behind her.

They made it to the front desk, the woman looks up.


"*clears throat*" ah yes, I'm looking for Miss Vanderviles."


"Oh yes, Mr... um..."

The woman sees Arnold, her eyes wide.

"M-mr Arnold... are you with this man?"

Madeleine looks at him, he nods.

"Yes, where is Victoria?" He asked, the woman shakes.

"N-not here, what's wrong?"

"I'm the factory inspector, I need to  know if this factory is safe."

The woman shakes and shook her head no.

"N-no, I-I'm mean-"

Madeleine slam her cane down.

"I'm going to look around." She said and walks out, the woman looks at Arnold.

Arnold knows something is up, he follows Madeleine.

Madeleine went down the stairs and kept heading down, Arnold wondered where she going.

"Madeleine where are you-"

"Shh... *points*  there the work room." She whispered, Arnold looks at door.

It was locked, Madeleine takes out the small robot.

The robot went and unlocked the door, when the robot opens the door. They walk in, Arnold and Madeleine were shocked.

It was children, they had helmets on their heads. Madeleine growls and hold her cane close.

"Of course Victoria did this!" Arnold slowly walks over to the kid.

"What's with these helmets?"

Madeleine growls more.

"Those are my helmets!"

Arnold looked at her.


Madeleine sighs.

"I made them a long time ago, they weren't meant for children. *sighs* the helmet are dangerous, they weren't meant for anyone."

Arnold was nervous, he tries the get the helmet off. But he got shocked.

"Oww! Bloody hel-"

"Arnold! No swearing in front of kids!"

Arnold growls and rubs his hand.

"Stupid helmets built with electricity."

Madeleine had a worried looked.

"Victoria is going to kill these kids."

Arnold walks to the door.

"She is under arrest."

"Really?~" Arnold and Madeleine turn to see the cloaked person, but this time the voice was a woman.

Madeleine stays calm.

"Oh hello... Victoria." The woman giggles.


"Victoria you're-"

She put her hand up.

"Wait a minute." She said and snaps her fingers, there was a trap door under Madeleine.

She fell and the trap door closed, Arnold was mad.


"Oh he'll be fine... but Arnold I'm very disappointed in you, I give you what you want and you go against me."

Arnold growls.

"That was for Madeleine, this is different."

"And yet she got away~" Victoria said and laughs.

"Arnold listen, I know this seems bad. But I am doing something important, and here is the thing." She pulls out a picture of Arnold and Madeleine at the Circus.

"How?" Arnold asked.

"I can get you in trouble, go against me. And I will make this all disappear." She said and put the picture away, she takes a few steps away from him and stoped.

"And that man that went through the trap door is somewhere in the city, don't know where. The exits are everywhere, so happy finding." She said and leaves.

Arnold sighs and goes to look for Madeleine.

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