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i let my pencil tap on my desk of frustration for the day being pretty slow as i sit there listening to the english teacher speak about the assignment we are going to do for homework today. the school bell rings and everyone jumps out of their seats towards the door, which allows me to let a huge sigh of relief out of this class, which is hell.

i take up my notebooks and pencils and walk out the door. i walk down the hallway to my locker and i open it up the moment i arrive. i place all my things inside, and i feel my skirt lift the moment i tippy-toe to look for my history notebook. 

i wander my eyes all around fast and i finally see it. i pull it out, and i instantly place my hands on the ends of the back of my skirt and pull it down. someone appears next to me and i turn to seeing my best friend, yoongi, standing there with a huge grin on his face as he opens up his locker, leading for him to take out his notebooks.

"hey, i heard we're having a new teacher today for the next class," he says. 

"oh for real?" 

"yeah, but it's a girl, i heard she's pretty though, we havent had a pretty teacher in a while" 

"oh wow, where's hoseok?" 

"he's sick, the usual " 

i nod and we shut our lockers together. yoongi and hoseok have been dating for a pretty long time, around 3 years since freshman year and here i am, single as can be. my recent ex-boyfriend was cheating on me, made me blow off the relationship and all my emotions. we walk down the hallway till we reach our history class, and we sit down n our seats.

"hey, jimin, what should i get hoseok for our 3-year anniversary?" he asks. 

"i don't know, maybe a new necklace..?"

"i got him that last year and the year before, i want to do something different" 

"hey, youll think of something, its not your anniversary until in a couple of months." 

he nods when suddenly the whole class quiets down, telling us the teacher is already in the room. we look up and a young lady stands in front of us. she wears some black-ripped jeans, white shoes, bottom-down shirt that's unbuttoned, revealing her white undershirt that shows her beautiful abs and tight sports bra and a pretty fashionable hooded jacket.

i gasp quietly at how pretty her facial details are. her eyes wander throughout the whole class and make sure to give a pretty good examination at every single individual, starting from the other side of the room. i slowly get nervous the more i notice that she is about to reach me, and i let my fingers move around. she finally reaches me and she stares at me. 

i slowly swallow a huge amount of saliva as she gives me a very long look, examining every detail. i hope she doesn't notice any bad parts of my face. she finally looks away, and claps her hands. i jump at the sound and she chuckles. 

"well good morning class, i'm your new teacher for this class, please call me ms.lee, i want every single one of you to take out a paper and a pencil and to write some small things about yourself and some questions or things you would like for me to read at the end of this class, i'll give all of you about 10 minutes to write than we'll start the lesson i have for you today- oh and um, please make sure to write your name on the paper after you're done because i just hate having to find out whose paper without name it is and i'll be letting you know now that if you decide to turn in an assignment without a name, i will make sure to ball it up and throw it in the trash can in front of you and whoever doesn't get their assignment back knows where to find it, okay?" 

the whole class and i nod quickly and just sit there. she seems rough. i pull out a sheet of paper and a pencil. i tap the pencil over and over again my paper and i wonder what i should say to her. should i say that she is pretty? that she could do anything to me? wait, what? 

i suddenly get out of my thoughts when i hear her voice, strong and loud for every one of us in the class to hear, from the corner of the class. i look up and one of the students stands in front of her.

"do i look like a shop to you? i don't give nor sell pencils, please go ahead and sit down and ask one of your classmates in which i'm sure they have enough pencils to let you borrow at least one, okay?" 

i see them turn around and sit back down. i roll my eyes and i face my paper once again. i start to let all my thoughts wander through my mind once again, and i look at the clock. i only have around 8 minutes left, and i start writing.

"okay, time is up, please stack the papers to the end of the tables, i'll go get those," she says. 

i pass my paper making sure mine was at the bottom to make sure no one could read any of the words i've written, and they put it at the end of the table. she gets up and picks up the papers from the ends of the table till reaching the last stack. she heads back to her desk and places them down. she heads to the large board, and she grabs an expo marker. she runs the marker against the whiteboard and writes huge words: lesson 1. 

note! agh i don't even know why i started is but it just came to my mind and decided to start it cause like why not? i hope you enjoy this first chapter for this book which i hope will be a success in the end or not but oh well, hehe well enjoy bye now♥♥

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