Your first impression to his parents

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Thomas -

You: Hi, I'm Y/N.

Dad: Hello, you must be Y/N. Thomas told us all about you. *shakes your hand*

Mom: Hello Y/N. It's a pleasure finally to meet you. Thomas kept telling us about you at dinner and wouldn't stop for ages!

You: Yes. He's very attractive too.

Dad: Don't worry, we told him to be extra caring to you.

You: uh.... Thanks?

Mom: You're welcome!

Newt -

You: Hi Miss.

Mom: Hello.

Newt: Mom, Dad, this is Y/N. My girlfriend. She's the best.

Mom: Y/N! That's a beautiful name. For just the most perfect girl for Newt!

Dad: Hello Y/N! It's great to finally meet you! Newt would never stop talking about you! Even in his sleep!

Newt: Dad!

You: Well then we better head out soon.

Mom: have fun you two!

Newt: we're going to have a great time!

Minho -

Dad: Minho. Who is this young lady?

Minho: It's Y/N. My girlfriend.

You: Hi, Mr.

Dad: It's Great to have you here!

Minho: Babe you wanna stay for dinner?

You: If your parents are ok with it?

Mom: Of course! It would be lovely!

Dad: Thanks for staying!

You: It's very kind for you guys to let me stay.

Gally -

Dad: Hello Y/N.

You: Hi Mr.

Mom: Y/N! It's wonderful to see you!

You: Wow! Do you bake?

Mom: Yes. I showed Gally how to too.

You: Well he's certainly learned from a best chef around here!

Mom: Thank you! How sweet!

Gally: I told you she's the best!

Dad: she looks adorable next to you! Quickly Grab the camera wife!

Mom: *grabs the camera*

Dad: *takes a million pictures*

Gally: Dad. You're overreacting!

Dad: what's your last name?

You: Y/N.  Y/L/N.

Gally: I'll be sharing my last name with her in a few years. Possibly your grandchildren.

Mom: * squeals *

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