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Sorry I haven't been updating guys but I'm getting a baby tomorrow!

Not a human one of course, but a chinchilla!

His full name is Astroid Asher Lee [*Last name goes here*], but his nickname is Astro!

He's a charcoal ebony male and he's ~10 weeks old.  Here's some pictures of him I got from the breeder.

  Here's some pictures of him I got from the breeder

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Isn't he adorable? *-*

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Isn't he adorable? *-*

I'll be making an Instagram for him (like I did for my cat) so I can see all of his adorable and cute moments over the years.

The many, many years because chinchillas live up to 15-20 years... 30 if their diet is strict.

By the way, my cats Instagram is @ boobear.cat , you should check it out.

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