update on my life

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Hi everyone! It's been a long time since I've been on here so I decided to update you all on my life.

(Posting this same chapter on every story that's still up, btw.)

I'm still going through a really shitty part of my life and I'm really trying to push and make myself better but doing that is really fucking hard.

I don't remember if I said this in my goodbye message, but around the time I left, I had to face death of a close loved one for the first time. I lost two of my grandfathers back to back. One from old age and the other from a terminal illness. Dealing with all that was really hard for me. Just recently, I also found out that another family member passed away around that time but my parents didn't tell me about it.

A few months ago, my girlfriend broke up with me because of the reason "I don't want to hurt you or have you become like my exs" and just the other week, I found out that she used that as an excuse because I was two years younger than her (we're both legal, if you're wondering) and she didnt want to admit she didnt like that.

I've quit my job as a game moderator and to say the least, I find it fucking hilarious. On a daily basis, we have 300-400 players 24/7 and the moment my friend and I left, the amount of players dropped to 50. And that's the max, during it's most popular times. I hopped on to say hi to everyone and there was 11 people on globally.

I've been a bit more stressed because of school, too. I used to be in an early/middle college program but my school decided to cancel it after the first year of doing it, which was what I was a part of. So now, I'm taking normal high school classes and trying to build up an art portfolio for college. So far, I have one art work done, which is good in my book.

Anyways, I'm here to say that I actually started to write again, but on a different website and for a different fandom. I've moved on to write on ArchiveOfOurOwn and it's about Borderlands. I'm open to say that because those characters aren't real people, so I don't have to feel guilty about writing about them, get hate about it, or worry if the person I'm writing about finds them because they dont exist in the real world. 👍

I'm not mad about writing what I wrote on here, especially on my other account because you guys liked it. But I feel guilty about pushing that type of thing into the fandom.

I love you all. If anything else big happens in my life or if you're interested, I'll update you.

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