June 27-29 2018

124 2 279

hey there so its currently my second last day of school for me and im excited mostly because im going somewhere Monday to Friday but it has no WiFi so that brings it down a little because i would rather chat with my internet friend and stay inside sooooo ScRew yOu naTure

oooof anyway im currently listening to wii music for *checks video* i hour

Also I was at school and I found these weird balloons that was shaped weirdly so I blew one up made it as a duck and now it's my child and I love it (that's also the photo on the top I'm sorry if it doesn't work)

Also it technically isn't June 27 it's June 29 soooo I just wanted to clear that up also I won't publish this chapter for awhile but I made it on June 27/29 soo yeah I just get massive anxiety when I write a story so it's sometimes kind of hard but I'm trying ok

Oof im making something special for a friend and I'm dying like it sounds terrible so I'm trying just don't judge lol


I think my family is making ich ban (not sure how to spell it lol) so I'm excited even if I woke up at 11 and had breakfast and it's 12:30

I also tried to spell breakfast and I had a 🧠 fart slash big fingers so it autocorrected to breastfeeding ooops what I delicious meal

Yay I have no more school woooooo well technically it was the last day yesterday but shhhh don't question it

Oof there's a guy who is in the hospital who has a 5 cut in his cheek oh ooops not irl in a tv show lol


Oooops I can't he's not on screen sorry 😐
I love dan and phil it's not normal there are my dads
Oh and my smol bean dog Bruno

Oooops I can't he's not on screen sorry 😐 I love dan and phil it's not normal there are my dads Oh and my smol bean dog Bruno

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I fricking love this song idk why if you know me in person and see me with headphones on dancing - not normally I'm probably listening to this song or the mini sing for 10 hours Oops

Oof I have a weirdly flat spot on my knee help it feels weird

I have too much mosquito bites it's not funny I had to change out of my routine of wearing skinny black jeans everyday 24/7 oh and wearing all black
My brother makes fun of me because I wear black everyday

I have 182 photos of dan and phil and it's still not enough

Welp watch me as I go on the mighty google looking at phan art be right back

Welp I'm back with 214 photos I would get more but the google is being stupid and not letting me save photos and every time I try to go back it doesn't work hELp

My grandparents dog makes a weird groan sound when he lays down wanting attention lol

Wooooo 493 words

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