August 10 2018

9 2 9

HApPy fReN anNivErSarY hAleY I lOve yoU

HAvE A gReat day and Here iS Random quoTes I fluNd on the internet

I like you because you join in on mY weirdness
1 universe
9 planets
204 country's
809 islands
7 seas

And I had the privilege of meeting you
Having those weird conversations with your friend and thinking if anyone heard us we would be put in a mental hospital
If you hurt my best friend I can make your death look like an accident
Strangers think I'm quiet

My friends think I'm outgoing

My best friends know that I'm completely insane
A best friend may not talk to you everyday
She might live in a another city

Or even in a different time zone

But she's the first one you call when something happens that's great or really hard
Friendship isn't about who you've known longest

It's about who walked into your life and said I'm here for you and proved it
True friends are never apart maybe in distance but never in heart
Why we need best friends
•because they laugh at the same stupid things we do

•because they give us honest advice

•because they will be there for us even if there thousands of miles away

(I searched up how far away we are and we are 35 hours driving 750 hours walking and 2,368.3 miles)
This one reminds me of dan and phil

Marry your best friend there is no foundation stronger than a true friend
A real friend is someone who walks with you when everyone walks out
My best friend is the one who brings out the best of me
Also for our fren anniversary
I was thinking of stuff I could do and one of my ideas was having a face reveal but I'm terrified and my mom would kill me if she found out and rn I'm really ugly soooi yeah

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