August 11-august 22

5 2 1

I there I have not updated in a while and I forgot what I did sooooo

ranDOm stUFf witH bROokelYN
(God help me)

Um I might be going to Calgary then banff then jasper and I'm excited but still nAtURe fRiCk oFF mATe

Um I might be going to Calgary then banff then jasper and I'm excited but still nAtURe fRiCk oFF mATe

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GOd DammIt phIl StOP kILlInG Me AHhHhH

Oh and I made my dog more kawaii (I was bored)

Oh and I made my dog more kawaii (I was bored)

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Kawaii glass

And lastly creepy edit of my cousin lmao

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And lastly creepy edit of my cousin lmao

Don't judge me also don't ask why I have a picture of a glass and my cousin

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Don't judge me also don't ask why I have a picture of a glass and my cousin

Oh hey I went to my family's lake and that was fun
The water was green

I got too go to my old house too get stuff and bOy Was THAt fUn

But hey I got a blue camera from my ex step sister because she forgot it
2 Red face paint
2 black face paint
2 white face paint

AnD I FoUnD mY OLd cOmPUTEr casE

And I got ice cream after so it was worth it
da FlAvOuR Was Dutch chocolate and peanut butter and chocolate and Yeah iDk

I'm terrified for school even though it's in 13 days I think

I'm gonna stay up all night because fRiCkInG Fall OUT bOy I LoVE yOu BUt jUsT uGH my personal wellness lOl WHAts THats

Kill me

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