July 20

4 1 0

Hey there um hi

So my friend informed me that my art book is at #9 in terrible art

So my friend informed me that my art book is at #9 in terrible art

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WTF ThanK yOu

Also don't mind my following amount don't judge me

Also I just snuck a lot of these chocolates ball things um there very good there called brooks side chocolates or something

Also yes I know last time I updated this it was July 13 (or last time I wrote something) sorry lmao

I'm really not excited for tomorrow because I'm being forced to hang out with my German family because they are touring Canada

I mean there is a 15 year old (my brother is 15)
And two twins that are 13 or 12

YaY mY moM fiNAllY GOt gRasS wOoOOooO
(My dog ripped it out/trampled it)

And it looks weird since I'm not used to it

I know it sounds stupid but I was listening to this song and I saw this and I actually started crying help

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I know it sounds stupid but I was listening to this song and I saw this and I actually started crying help

I know it sounds stupid but I was listening to this song and I saw this and I actually started crying help

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ALsO wtF iS PrEeTy.oDD

Squish your face and then you can come over and again I wanna do you

(What did I just write help me)

Also I was going through my photos and I found some of my birthday party and oml they are beautiful (sorry I'm not going show you)

Just imagine weird 11 year olds (was it 11 idk) and people started to um basically smash there faces in cake

(Rip the only two people I know irl weren't there because 1.heathers4life Is aLwAayS bUsy oN tHeY Day oF any bIrthDaY pArtY
2.Inky10 I was not as close with her then this year/ last year)

•I went swimming with my family
•my best friend is currently on a trip
•I'm actually dead because of Phan and fricking HearT EYes hOwelL aNd lOvE EYes lEsTeR lIKe HeLp mE
•I may have stayed up pretty late two nights in a row ooops
•my backyard looks new and better
•my art book is at #9
•I'm dreading tomorrow

Is that all that I have done lol

Oh And I'm very mad at Haley's parents for what they have said/done and I'm actually going to murder them lol

Oh I went to a doctor person thing (idk what it's called) and I'm getting medication for my adhd woo

anD i HavE teRRiBLe sOCIal aNxiETy wOooOooO

ANd dePPRessiOn

Hahahhahahagag *chokes on air*

Also I made this video of me basically spying on my brother

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