Don't be like them

18 1 6

Leo's POV:
"What do you mean I can't go!?", I shouted, my eyes glaring at principal Zeus whose hands had starting messaging his temple.

Aw I caused a headache. Yay

He sighed, "Listen Leonidas we -



I hardened my glare, "My name is just Leo, not Leonidas, don't waste your breath saying the whole thing."

He sighed, "Fine Leo, we can't let you go to the trip."

I batted my eyes and gave a sweet smile, "Aw why not princi? Who would say "no" to such a sweet thing?" I said as I gestured to myself.

He grabbed my permission slip and walked towards me, "Look you need the permission of your parent or guardian. And it doesn't help that Hephaestus is out of town at the moment."

I made a thinking face, "How about I ask Hera? She used to be my babysitter. "

"Babysitter are not family members."

"That's cold to say about your wife."

"You're feeling sympathy? You can have her. "

I raised my hands defeatedly, "Nah bruh. She's your problem."

He turned to look at the window, "Didn't you tell your father about the trip? "

My face panicked, "S-sure I did."


"Son I'm leaving town for a bit. Is there something I should know before leaving? " Hephaestus said as he packed his bag.

I stuffed popcorn in my mouth while watching " Top Gear"

"Nah dad. BTW where are ya going? "

My dad twirled his screw driver, "There is graffiti on the great wall of China again. And someone wanted to prove how 'great' it was. Of course they failed and now it's in pieces."

I gave him a skeptical look

He grinned, "Well part of it is. Any who guess who has two thumbs, godly powers and is going to make the great wall of China indestructible!? "

"Harry Potter!!! "

He looked at me offended,"No! Me! " he gestured to himself.

I shrugged, " That was my second guess. What are using as material? "

He folded his arms, "Guess. "

"Celestial bronze! No wait something that isn't in the periodic table!? " I asked jumping.

He laughed, "Even better! Bricks! "


He shrugged, "Just watch or better yet wait for it. Now before I leave, is there something that requires my attention? "


"Nothing at all? "


"Nothing needs my signature? "

"You can give me your autograph. "

He chuckled, ruffled my hair and went out the door. Before he left he said this

"And Leo? It isn't the material that has to be tough and impressive. The builder must have such skill to make even the softest of substance into something unimaginable."

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