Chapter Five

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~ Teos Point Of View ~

I'm not really sure what just happened. I was just going through my mentions and this one fans tweet stood out. I began tweeting her. And eventually we started dming. We stayed up for hours talking about each other. I've never developed feelings for someone this quickly. I don't even know her but she's perfect. She's unlike any other girl I've ever liked before. She's unbelievable. I told her I was going to sleep only because I didn't want her to lose sleep. But the truth is, I stayed up that whole night thinking about her. She was on my mind the entire night. I began reading her tweets. Most of them were towards me. She's so cute, she would say the funniest most ridiculous things to get my attention. I just wished I would have noticed her sooner than this. I told her that I liked her and she said she liked me too. Maybe I could ask my mom to fly out to Minnesota. I would love to meet her in person. She's wonderful. She is taking over my mind. I can't wait until she talks to me again.

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