Chapter Seventeen

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~ Jamie's Point Of View ~

Two weeks have gone by since Teo left me. We've face timed daily and everything but it doesn't take away from how much I miss him. I weds the necklace he gave me every day. I framed my favorite picture of him and I and put it on my nightstand. It was 11:00 am and Rainn called me.


"What?!?!" I was kind of worried.

All I heard was heavy breathing and some sobbing.

"MAG- MAG- MAGCONNNNN" she yelled.

Jamie and I were and are obsessed with the magcon boys. Of course I am not interested in any of them because Teo is too of the line. But I still love all the guys and am dying to go to one of their shows.

"WHAT ABOUT IT?!" I yelled back.

"They are having a show in LA. My mom said you and I could go. I know it's not in Minnesota but we would get to go to Cali and see magcon and shop. Anddddd... See Teo!!" She said excitedly.

I had to calm myself.

"Are you joking?! And your mom said yes?!" I nearly screamed.

"Yes!!!! She already bought my ticket and has yours on hold you just need to talk to your mom! If your mom says yes we leave in two days!"

"I'll call you back!! Bye!!"

I hung up the phone and quickly dialed my moms number. When she answered I rushed to tell her everything. My high hopes were quickly brought down when she said no.

"But mom why?!" I whined.

"Because you don't need to be going on a trip to see some boy." She said.

"Actually it's the whole magcon group and teo so really it's 13 boys" I said.

Dang. Probably shouldn't of said that.

"My point exactly." She replied and hung up.

I'm going to LA with Rainn. I don't care if my mom did say no. I'm going to see magcon and Teo.

~ Teo's Point Of View ~

Rainn: I just got done telling Jamie. Knowing her mom, she probably can't come.

Me: dang. I was really excited to see her.

Rainn: but at least you'll see me no matter what.

Me: yeah but I really just wish Jamie could come.

Rainn: stop thinking about her Teo. Think about the fact that you'll get to see me.

Ever since I got back home two weeks ago Rainn has been texting me and flirting with me like crazy. It might sound ridiculous but I think she wants me. I have absolutely no interest in her though. My heart belongs to Jamie.

Me: I gotta go. Bye.

Rainn: bye 😘

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