Authors Note Seventeen

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Hey guys so sorry but ever since school started I've been going crazy. I've had lots and lots of homework, chores, and volleyball. Plus I have to hang out with my friends in between all that!! I'm soooo sorry but I promise I will try to update more often! And the Jack and Jack fan fic is delayed.. As you may be able to tell. Once I'm not so swamped with responsibilities I will start that one ☺️hope you guys still love me and the story.

Btw, WattPad got an update so now I can post pictures!! The image shown is my Ella autograph I told you about wayyy long ago. I've actually been talking to Ella a lot (crazy!!) and we are pretty good friends now. I might be going to California for New Years and if I do ella and I are going to meet up. I've been talking to reese a lot too. (Munch) I'm pretty close friends with him as well. I have no idea how it happened but some how I came in contact with them and we hit it off. Still trying to build a friendship with Teo though 😂

So I have an idea. It can be difficult for me to think of chapter ideas so the next one I'm leaving it up to you. Comment what you think will happen. Say what you think jamie is going to do. What rainn will say. How teo will react. Anything and everything. I'll pick someone's idea and write next chapter about it. Of course I'll give that person credit too!

Thanks for being patient with me!! Love you!!

P.s. It's my birthday on Thursday ❤️

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