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Drew has long turned thirty, and his parents will no more rest till he gets married.

Drew will of course not make his opinion known on the matter, even though he is an adult. Drew will nod his head and accept it.

Thousands of people get married. Drew will too.

Drew is not tact-less, or stupid, is he? He's at the peak of his success, standing at the very narrow point, on the tip of the mountain, where others are trying hard to stand along with him or pull him down to stand in his stead. He will therefore not let a miniscule problem, called "The Past" ruin his future prospects and success.

He will take marriage in stride.

Wishing Drew all the very best, in all such future endeavors.

Let his married life with his future wife be...

Whatever Poppy. Could you fill that blank up for me, please?



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