The Dragons Den

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"Kanda!? But, you said the two of us would do just fine!"

"I know what I said lavi, but I've changed my mind. It isn't called The Dragons Den for no reason, alot of akuma have been spotted in those woods, it would be unwise of me as your humble leader to let two irresponsible kids play in such a place. That's why I've ordered Kanda to tag along." He said with an unshook smile, eyes squinted and pulse speeding.

"Wait! I never agreed to baby sit." Kanda interrupted.

"Bean sprout and curly fry here can handle it just fine themselves I'm sure." Kanda crossed his arms and began to walk away.

"Curly fry!?" Lavi questioned

"Kanda! It's not a request, it's an order." Komui said, making Kanda stop in his tracks.

"Did anyone else hear him call me a curly fry!? What does that even mean?!"

Kanda's forehead vein bulged as his eyebrow began to twitch, with a hesitant sigh he turned himself around to hear the details of the mission.

"Fine, I'm listening, but make it quick."

"Ok!" Komui grinned.

"There isn't much information on the location itself, being heavily blocked off by akuma. The information we do have has been narrowed down to the amount of sightings within the last 3 weeks, adding to around 30 people. 25 of them described the akuma as level 2, and 5 as level 3."

Allen gasped slightly, unsure how to assess the situation.

"Now it is still unclear how many akuma are thriving down in Kotomo village, but we have been keeping close watch on the civilians and... well... something odd has shown up."

Komui scratched his chin as he gazed down at his documents.

"Something odd?" Kanda's interest peeked.

"Yes well, in a situation such as this one would expect an excessive amount of deaths, concidering the size of the island along with the number of akuma... but... there hasn't been a single one, not even an injury."

"If that's the case then I would assume what they are after is indeed innocence. Though it is unusual, that not a single one has attacked the village." Allen interrupted.

"That's why we need the three of you to check it out, before something terrible happens. I'm sure you can handle it, and with Kanda at your side it should be a piece of cake." He smiled again, clearly a hint to leave his office.

"I wonder why though." Allen began.

"Why what?" Lavi asked.

"From the sounds of it, it appears as if the akuma are all searching for the same thing, but why are there so many? I'm starting to think that the millennium earl has a different plan in mind that we don't know of."

Allen got lost in thought, ignoring lavi.

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