Chapter 15:

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Lorenzo's POV

"Do you want a drink," Fredo asked.

"Sure." I said a little shaken up.

"Henry get us some wine." He said. He handed me a glass of wine and I took a sip.

"This is really good," I said.

"Thank you I made it myself," he said with a creepy grin.

I slowly felt myself getting more and more tired. And then I slipped out of consciousness.


My eyes fluttered open and i was in a dark room. There was a flickering light above me. I tried to move but I couldn't I was stuck, but how. I looked down and my arms and legs were strapped to a chair with a rope. There was so much rope I could have wrapped it around the world.

The walls around me were mirrors and the sealing was those tiles.

"Good morning Antonio. Can I call you Anthony." A voice said.

I looked around for where the voice was coming from but found nothing, "where are you?" I asked.

"On the other side of the mirror. I can see you but you can't see me, it's one way glass."

"Who are you why am I here," I asked.

"We already introduced ourselves Anthony, we did last night, maybe you forgot."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Im Fredo and your are here because you work for Don Antanello."

"but I don't know anything," I said.

"Yes you do, we know you do. Lorenzo likes you maybe a little more then Paulie."

"Then how come neither of us are consegnare."

"Because he already chose his consegnares when he became Don, and that would be an insult to his men. Anyway enough questions let's get into the interigation. Now remember the comment about your daughter before. That still stands if you don't coraperate." Fredo said.

"Can I have some thing to drink I think I might get sick," I asked.


Vittoria's POV

I walked around the house trying to find something to distract me from the hell I'm living right now. I was walking into my room when the phone rang. I ran out to the kitchen to answer it. "Hello," I said praying it was Antonio

"Vittoria hi it's Lorenzo. So we have a problem. Paulie can't always be at your house he's really busy this week, but we can send him over as often as possible. You need to pick someone to be there 24/7. We are under strict orders." He said.

"Orders from who. Your the Don." I asked.

"I can't tell you."

"Lorenzo" in a condescending tone.

"Ok ok your husband."

"You talked to him. Where is he. Is he ok. Wait did he only get one call and he called you."

"Vittoria Vittoria calm down," he said cutting me off, " he asked me when he took the job doing numbers that he would only do it if I could promise him to protect you and you always have what you need."

I was a roller coasters of emotions, " he's so sweet," I said as I started to cry.

"Aww Vittoria don't cry, look I'll send Michael over to be your permanent bodyguard and Paulie whenever he's free. Does that sound good."


"Ok bye Vittoria. And don't forget everything's going to be fine."

"Thanks Lorenzo, bye."

It was about half an hour and there was a knock in my door, I looked through the peephole and than I saw two familiar faces.

"Paulie, Michael. Come in." I said greeting them.

"Hey Vittoria," they both hugged me hello.

"Can I get you guys something. Coffee, water, I was about to make lunch."

"Coffee would be nice," Paulie said.

"I'm fine I just ate." Michael said.


Antonio's POV

"Ok I want to set some ground rules for this situation your in. We are going to move you to a bedroom and you can only go there, the bathroom, and when we have a meeting the meeting room. You can only call Lorenzo and I will be listening in on every conversation you guys have. You will eat twice a day, at ten and seven. You are our prinsoner remember that before you do anything stupid." Fredo said.

I was still tied to a chair and still alone in the room.

A door opened out of the glass and a man came over to me with a knife. "What are you doing?" I asked trying to back away.

"Cutting you free," he said like it was obvious. A few more guys came in as he was cutting the ropes. When I stood up i was stiff. I leaned back to stretch my back and pulled my foot up behind me to stretch my legs.

The other two men took my arms and guided me to a small room. The walls were a cement gray with one window high above my head. The bed was fairly decent it was a twin mattress that was nice and soft. I had two pillows and two blankets. There was a single lamp in the opposite corner. Next to the lamp was a door that blended in with the walls. I opened it and it lead to the bathroom. There were your basics, a toilet, shower, sink, and a small lamp in the wall.

I walked back out to the bedroom and Fredo was I there. "You can call Lorenzo in two hours and tell him where you are and after that we'll give you your breakfast," he said.

"Wait fredo what time is it?" I asked.

"Eight in the morning," he said walking out.

"Wait Fredo can I have a clock."

"Yeah I'll send someone in with one later." He left and I heard him lock the door. I flopped on the bed and waited till I could call Lorenzo.

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