Chapyer 24:

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Vittoria's POV

I waited for Antonio to be home, it was six last time I checked the clock. "Paulie I don't think Antonio's coming home tonight. Do you want to call Maria and tell her." I asked.

"Yeah," he walked over to the phone. "Hey baby, I have some bad news. Antonio isn't home yet I have to stay one more night."................."no Maria it's not like that. Maria-" he took the phone from his ear and covered the mouth end. "She wants to talk to you," he said.

I walked over to the phone, "hello."

"Hi Vittoria."

"Oh hello Maria, how are you it's been a while."

"Are you sleeping with my husband."

"What! No. Why would you think that."

"Because I haven't seen my husband in a week and I'm worried about him," this really made me mad.

"Well Maria listen here. I haven't seen my husband in a week either, and I don't know where he is, unlike you. He was kidnapped and only allowed to speak to Lorenzo. Paulie was ordered to stay here with me and I had not say in it. Now I have three kids who I had to tell their father went on a business trip. They don't know what's going on they just know their dad isn't home and Paulie is here instead. And also I am a respectable women with three children who loves her husband. I have no interest in sleeping with your husband. Now if you would like to exsplian how your week has been I would be happy to listen, because you know where your husband is." I said.

"I-i uh I'm sorry Vittoria. I'm sorry to bother you."

"Have a nice day Maria," I said handing the phone to Paulie. He silently applauded me for my rant. To be honest I was kind of ashamed of myself for the way I acted. It wasn't like me, but I guess when you have as much stress as I do right now you do things your  not proud of. I walked over to the window and opened it, "Benito, Jacinta, sonny." I yelled. They all looked up at me. I waved my hand for them to come inside then met them at the door. "Go get ready for bed guys," I said.

"Mom didn't you say dad was going to be home today," Benito asked.

"His flight got delayed honey."


I put all the kids to bed and sat back down on the couch. I waited up untill ten reading and Paulie was asleep in the chair snoring. I closed my book and went to my room. I pulled the covers over me and went to bed.

I was in a deep sleep awoken by the sound of my door opening. I was to tired to see who it was. It was silent and then I felt a sink in the bed. If I died tonight what would my kids do, they don't know where their dad is. I slowly opened m eyes to see a face looking back at me. No it couldn't be.

"Antonio," I yelled hugging him.

"Hello darling," he said.

"I missed you. Are you ok. Did they hurt you." I asked frantically.

"No I'm fine. I missed you too Vittoria. How are the kids."

"Their good I told them you had to go on a business trip. So what happened, what did they do."

"I can't speak about it."

"Oh that's right," I said turning around remembering the lie he told me. He said he was picking up someone's payroll but he was doing hits now.

"What Vittoria what did I do. Sweetie I've only been home a few minutes."

I took a deep breath ignoring him.

"Honey please talk to me."

I laid their silent.

"Vittoria please. At least tell me what I did."

Still no answer.

"Honey you know I love you. And I'm sure whatever I did I did it because I love you."

"Then why did you lie to me," I said flipping over.

"What are you talking about."

"I'm only doing payroll vittoria," I said in a mocking tone trying to sound like him.

"Oh," he said lower his head.

"How does lying help us Antonio."

"I knew if I told you what I was really doing you would say no."

"Oh so are you 15 again having to ask my permission for everything, and then lying about what your really doing and where your really going."

"Vittoria I'm sorry but we needed the money."

"We don't need it that bad."


"How many..... How many have you killed."

"None. Only beat up one guy." He said obviously ashamed of himself.

"Antonio promise me this and I'll be happy."

"What is it."

"Never put our family in danger for a little extra money. Just stick with what Lorenzo tells you nothing more."

"I will darling." He said kissing my forehead, "are we fine."

"Yeah we're fine."


The next morning I had Antonio get up early and I made a big breakfast. I wanted the kids to come down and see him at the same time.

"So Lorenzo gave me a few days off so that will give us some alone time," he said reading the paper and drinking his coffee.

"Well that's good you can run errands with me," I said standing next to him.

"Actually I was thinking something a little more personal," he said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Can I see that paper," I said. He handed it to me and I smacked him in the head with it.

"Ow, ok ok." He said snickering.

"Dad?" I heard Jacinta say.

"Dad!" All the kids cheered running over to him.

"Come here give me a big hug." He said as they had a big group hug.

"Has have you all been. Benito, still getting into trouble. Jacinta, still helping your mother. And sonny, ah still being my little boy." He said messing up Sonny's hair.

I loved my family they made me happy and we were whole again. We were happy again, Paulie wasn't here instead I had my wonderful husband back. The it popped in my head, I had to tell him about Benito said fight in school. Oh golly this wouldn't go down well with him.

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