Chapter 17:

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Vittoria's POV

I was running down the street as it rained. It was dark out and the street didn't look familiar. I had no shoes on and one of my around the house dresses. My hair was down and sticking to my face since it was wet from the rain. I kept running until I reached a dead end. I could only go right or left. To the left was a smooth straight street but was dark and spooky. To the right was a curved street but it was bright and spring like. I choose that street and I felt much calmer. As I was walking down it the street was getting gradually thinner. After about a minute of walking I had to walk like I was on a tight rope. At the end of the road I reached a little brick pedesteal with a box on. Cautiously I opened the box. In it there was a single pink rose and a letter. I opened the letter and it read:

"Congratulations Vittoria you chose the right path,

This path represents our relationship. It has its twist and turns. Sometimes we fight and make potholes in it. Other times we test eachother and wear at our patience, making the road thinner. Now I want you to think of the place we first met. To get there close your eyes and count to 3 then spin around. I know it sounds silly but it will work.

Much love, Antonio"

I did as he said a closed my eyes counted to three then spun around, when I opened my eyes I was out front of our highschool. I  felt my eyes start to water. This is where we met all those years ago. I was waiting for Vinny and Anna to get out here so we could walk home but then Antonio came up to me. He introduced himself and we chatted for a bit. He took my books and walked me home.

I looked around the grounds of the school and saw there was another chest on one of the benches. I walked over to it and opened it. There was another pink rose and another note.

                   "I knew you would follow my direction,
                              As I'm sure you remember this is where we first met. I was standing in the staircase on the second floor with my friends. We were passing around a smoke when I went up to the window, I was a bad kid as you recall. I held my cigarette out the window so the smoke wouldn't fill the small room. And that's when I saw you standing by the bench, you were beautiful, the sides of your hair were pulled back you had that light pink dress on, and you looked classy. Not like the other girls who would through them themselves on any guy who looked at them. I lied to my friends and said I had to stay after school so I could go talk to you. I watched from the window as they left the school and then I came down to talk to you. I walked you home as you talked about your family to me. I could tell you loved them so much. But this isn't the end of you adventure there is a challenge you must pass. What period did we have together our senior year? Think hard about it, once you've got it close your eyes and spin for me again.

                                       Love, Antonio"

I forgot he was a bad kid in school. I'm glad he's not like that anymore he's an amazing father and quickly dropped that phase when he met me.

I though about our last year of school, I think it was sixith. I spun again feeling like an idiot when I opened my eyes I was at the river. What was going on why is this happening.

I looked at the tree that out intials were caved into and under it was another chest.

There was a pink rose and a letter again.

           "Sixith period. It always was my favorite.

                           This here honey is where I asked you to marry me. We were dating for four years and we're 20. Everyone said we were too young that it wouldn't work but look where we are now. For the next challenge I want you to remember the weather the day we got engaged. Once you've got it spin and you'll be at the next location.

                             Good luck, Antonio."

How could I forget the weather. It was raining and I didn't want to go down to the river. But he was so persistent on it so it put me in a bad mood, needless to say I wasn't in a bad mood much longer. I laughed to myself as I remembered the days.

I spun again and opened my eyes.

I was in a church, the one we got married in. I walked around the church looking for the next chest. I went into the room I got ready in. And my dress was hanging in there I put it on and walked out, when I walked out all the pews were filled and it was decorated like my wedding. Antonio was at the alter and I walked up to him. I looked at all the faces but this one face stuck out to me. He was walking up the side isle much faster them I was. I kept looking back at him and I didn't know why. Then it hit me he wasn't smiling. Everyone else was but him. I was a few pews away from the front when he walked up behind Antonio. No body else could see him because they were all looking at me.

"Noooo," I yelled as he pulled a gun from his jacket. He put it to Antonio's head, "please no," but it was to late.

I woke up screaming and sweating. Paulie and Michael came running into my room. "Vittoria what happened are you ok," pualie asked sitting on the bed.

" It's Antonio they shot him he-he's dead," I broke down crying in Paulie's arms.

"Shhhh it's ok it was a dream. Antonio's fine nobody shot him," he said rubbing my back.

"Oh Paulie it was awful we were at our wedding and this guy just came out of no where and shot him. But nobody else could see him just me. Even when I yelled no one looked." I cried.

"It's ok Vittoria just let it out if you have to," Paulie comforted me, " look we are having a meeting with Lorenzo saturday. You can talk to him and work everything out.

"I just want to see Antonio. Hear his voice again, I'm nothing without him."

"We all miss him Vittoria and I'm sure he misses us. Now go back to sleep you've got a big day tomorrow."

"Your right. Good night Paulie."

" Good night Vittoria."


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