Chapter 6: Bongs and Pipes

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TW: This chapter includes heavy use of drugs/marijuana. You've been warned.

It was only ten minutes after eleven and I heard a voice coming from outside. Rushing over to my window, I looked out and saw Kenny. I waved to him and smiled before grabbing a small bag I packed for myself which included my phone charger, my ear phones, some spray bottles in case Kenny didn't have anything to hide the smell and ten dollars in case I needed to buy something they couldn't afford.

I opened my window carefully and slipped out enough so I could close it. Upon closing it, I realized the drop was higher than I expected and my fear of heights kicked in. I tried to shake it off but Kenny must of noticed my fear.

"Hey, how about you throw your bag down first and I'll catch you? I promise I'll catch you," Kenny reassured, holding his hands out for the bag.

I realized I had no other choice and Kenny had my trust so I threw down the bag, watching Kenny catch it carefully before setting it in the snow. He moved a bit closer to me, holding his arms out. I counted to three in my head and made the leap of faith, arms out, closing my eyes.

I fell on top of Kenny, both of us falling onto the snow. Kenny's body shielded me like he promised. I finally snapped out of it and quickly got off Kenny, scratching behind my neck.

"I'm sorry, I'm not light at all."

"No, you're fine and you're actually really light. And hey, I told you that I'd catch you, even if it ended with me getting snow all over my back," Kenny laughed.

I couldn't hold in my giggle. Kenny was a total sweetheart. He already won over my liking. Playboy or not, he was amazing.

I slid off of Kenny, pulling him up with me and smiled, dusting some snow off of his hoodie before looking up at him and saying, "You said Cartman was joining us, where is he?"

"He's at my house setting everything up. He brought some other drugs that I think you wouldn't want to try."

"What are they?"

"Well, he brought some Xanax and acid. He's also making lean if you know what that is."

"I know what all three of those things are. I think I'll stay away from that," I scoffed, slipping my bag onto my shoulders.

Kenny laughed in return, moving closer to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulder so casually like it was a normal thing. Not that I was complaining though, I mean I was blushing.

As Kenny and I walked to his house, he kept his arm around me. I swear I saw him blushing to. I was going to ask him if he liked me but I decided not to, in fear of him saying no and my heart being broken. At the time, I didn't know if he had a girlfriend and was just being friendly with me or he was single and into me. Stan was right, Kenny is a complex person and hard to read. 

When we finally got to Kenny's house, I was in awe. It was completely trashed with beer bottles in every corner. I expected his home to be a bit messy but this was completely different. But even with the mess, I couldn't find a reason not to like it. Sure, it was trashed but it had that "home" feeling. 

I followed Kenny into his house and just like the outside, it was trashed. His house was small, the furniture a bit torn up and beer cans littered the floor. Still, this didn't bother me in the slightest. Kenny and I finally stopped when we were in his room. It was mainly empty for the most part and Cartman was sitting on Kenny's bed, carefully sprinkling the weed into the bowl of the bong. 

The smell of it smacked me harshly in the face, causing me scoff, "That's some strong shit." 

Kenny laughed in return and guided me to the bed, sitting me down and handing me a pipe with a fresh bowl pack in it, handing me a lighter. I took a deep breath before slipping the pipe into my mouth and lighting it. 

It hit me hard, hard enough to where I immediately started coughing and handed the pipe to Kenny, trying to steady my coughing. 

"First time?" Cartman laughed, lighting a cigarette. 

"Nope," I said in between coughs, "That's just some good shit, I'm already high." 

Cartman looked at me and smiled, "I can tell, your eyes are bloodshot as fuck. Kenny, hit this shit." As Cartman said that, he passed the bong to Kenny who took a hit, not coughing at all. He must know what he's doing. 

The three of us smoked for a bit, all of us getting baked. Just when I thought we were done doing enough illegal things for the night, Cartman reached over and opened his bag, pulling out a small baggy with a few pills that were obviously Xanax and some LSD tablets. 

"Hey, Sabrina, have you ever dropped acid or taken Xanax before?" Cartman asked, swallowing a pill and putting a tablet on his tongue. 

"Um, no," I replied, "I'd rather not. I'll...just stick with weed if that's fine." 

Cartman shrugged, handing Kenny a Xanax before taking another bong hit. Kenny swallowed the pill and sighed, laying down on his bed and motioning me to lay next to him. Cartman soon joined us, propping pillows under our heads so our necks wouldn't tense up. 

The three of us laid there for a bit, just staring at the ceiling. Everything felt right. Everything felt so peaceful and warm. I didn't want it to end. This was how things were supposed to be. This was perfect. 

After awhile, Cartman was the first to speak, sitting up, "Hey, who's up to go to 7-11, that guy will give us whatever we want for free under twenty dollars?"

As on cue, Kenny and I jumped up at the same time and nodded. Kenny shifted to his window, opening it and climbing out, grabbing my hand on the way and helping me out. We helped Cartman out who accidentally fell in the snow. To be honest, he was too destroyed to even walk so we had to help him halfway. It was humorous and concerning to me at the same time. 

Upon arriving at the 7-11, we bought three monsters, a Red Bull, some chips and Cartman somehow bought a pack of Pall Mall menthol cigarettes. A part of me was thinking the cashier knew Cartman was actually thirteen and didn't care because they were close but the other part of me was thinking he honestly didn't care. Cartman did mention the cashier does have a sexual relationship with his mother. So this must be a "give-give" scenario. The cashier gives Cartman what he wants and Ms. Cartman will sleep with him. Not bad. 

When we finally made it back to Kenny's house, I found myself sitting next to Kenny while he laid down, smiling at him while Cartman played on his phone, occasionally talking to us. 

Being high, I didn't understand what I was saying and the meaning of what my words could do so without thinking, I leaned down to Kenny's ear and whispered, "Psst, Kenny, can I cuddle with you? I'm sleepy." I giggled. 

Kenny seemed surprised and slowly nodded, smirking a bit as he shifted, giving me room to lay down. I leaned into Kenny's chest, smiling at the new found warmth I was surrounded in. It made me dizzy. 

Before I knew it, I was drifting to sleep in Kenny's arms. I knew I was probably rushing things and possibly setting myself up for heartbreak but I didn't care. This felt perfect. It was perfect and nothing would change that. 

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