~Chapter 28~ Recovering And Going Home?

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2 days later: Sabrina's POV:

I sat up in my pain still feeling the pain in my ribs. But the medication made a lot of the pain go away. I beat the odds of death. I am lucky that my bones and skull were a little stronger because of all the fighting I did back in New Jersey.

While watching TV, I heard a knock at the door. I turned off the TV.

"Come in!" I said, looking down at the IV in my hand.

The door opened, revealing my new dad. He ran up to me and hugged me, being careful not to hurt me. I smiled and hugged back. He pulled away and sat next to me.

"You scared the hell out of me!" My dad said.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. I was so worried that you were really going to die. None of this should have happened to you."

I smiled and asked, "Thanks, but do you know when I can go home?"

"You CAN come home in 3 days. But it's suggested you stay longer so that when you come out, you don't have a cast."

"I want to get out of here as soon as possible."

"But you do realize you would have an arm cast, right?"

"I don't care. I need to get back on my feet. I need to go back to school. I don't care if my arm and foot is broken. I don't care if I have to wear this bandage around my head. I don't care if I have broken ribs. I won't give up!" I said smiling.

My dad smiled and said, "That's my girl."

I blushed a little. He really does consider me his daughter even though we aren't related.

"Now when you get out," My dad said, "I am taking you to a daddy daughter thing downtown."

My eyes went wide. My real dad never did that. He never paid attention to me.

"Why not take Shelly?"

"She said she rather be with her boyfriend."

I clenched my fist.

"Now Sabrina, may I ask, has your real dad done anything like this?"

"No. He barely paid attention to me."

"Well, that was in the past. He's gone and can't see you again."

"Um yeah," I began, "About that."


"My parents are looking for me."

"What?!" My dad said, blue eyes widening.

"Yeah." I nodded, "They want to drag me back to New Jersey. T-They w-will probably beat the h-hell out of me."

My new dad said, "They're not hurting you as long as I have a gun."

I laughed and said, "Thanks."

~3 Days Later~

"Are you sure you aren't in that much pain anymore, Sabrina?" Kenny asked.

"Yes, now can you help me up? I haven't walked in a long time."

Kenny nodded and took my hands. He gently pulled me up until I was standing on my feet. I winced a little feeling pain in my foot.

"You okay?" Kenny asked.

I nodded and felt Kenny starting to walk around, signaling me to try and move my feet. I started to use my feet, the pain starting to go away. I smiled while taking steps. I was walking again!

"See! You're doing it!" Kenny cheered, his blue eyes filled with happiness.

I nodded and saw the door open. My new mom came in with a small smile on her face.

"I'm so proud of you, Sabrina," She said walking over to me.

I smiled and said, "Thanks."

"Sabrina, are you left handed or right handed?" My new mom asked.

"Left handed."

She nodded and said, "I think you may need someone to help you at school."

"Why do you think that?"

"Well, you need crutches for the first two weeks so you may have trouble carrying your books. Do you have anyone in mind?"

I looked at Kenny. He smiled and nodded.


"Perfect!" My mom cheered, "Are you ready to go home?" My mom asked.

I nodded. She walked over to my nightstand and picked up two blue crutches. She picked up my bag full of medications to help with the pain and fix my brain injury.

"Kenny, can you help her to the car?" My new mom asked, picking up my bag full of clothes.

He nodded while she handed him the crutches. He helped me get them under my arms and picked up my bags.

"Thanks," I said pecking his cheek.

Kenny smiled and said, "Try walking with them."

I nodded and used them to help me walk. It worked!

"Okay, let's go!" My new mom said opening the door.

When we got out of the hospital room, my new mom had to fill out a sheet letting me go home. When she was done that, we headed out to the car.

Kenny took my crutches and helped me so that I was leaning on the car. The doctor said that I shouldn't put too much weight on my leg.

When Kenny was done putting my stuff in the trunk, he did the unthinkable. He picked me up bridal style! I blushed dark red while he got into the car.

I smiled and with Kenny's help, buckled myself in.

Kenny sat in the middle and buckled himself in. He wrapped his arm gently around my waist, making me blush more.

"You kids okay back there?" My new mom asked starting up the car.

I nodded while Kenny said, "Yeah, Mrs. Marsh."

My mom smiled and started to drive the car away from the hospital. I looked out the window and took a deep breath. Now before you ask, I DID have a bandage on my nose. But it got annoying so I got Kenny to take it off.

When we got to the house, my mom got out and opened the trunk. Kenny got out and walked over to my side. He opened the door and picked me up bridal style again!

"Are you carrying her inside?" My mom asked.

Kenny nodded and started to walk towards the door. Kenny opened the door and started to walk in. He walked up the stairs and walked to my bedroom. He opened the door and looked down at me. I smiled.

"Why did you do that? You do know that I can just use the crutches right?"

"I like carrying you." Kenny pecked my cheek.

"But aren't I heavy?" I asked, feeling like I was heavy.

"Are you kidding me? You are like a feather."

I smiled while Kenny laid me down on my bed. He propped my pillows up and turned on my TV. He covered my cast body and gave a kiss on my forehead.

When he started to leave my room, I said, "Kenny, please stay with me."

He turned around and asked, "You sure?"

I nodded and signaled him to come over to me. He took off his shoes and sat down on my bed. I wrapped my hands around his stomach, slowly pulling him down.

Kenny was now laying down on my bed. Kenny got under the covers and pulled my body into a loving embrace. Kenny kissed my bandaged forehead.

"I love you, Sabrina," Kenny said, stroking my cheek with his finger.

I smiled and said, "I love you too."

Kenny kissed my lips, making me kiss back. I smiled and slowly fell asleep in Kenny's arms.

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