~Chapter 27~ I Survived?

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*Still Kenny's POV:*

Sabrina only had 1 day left to live. Nothing could make me happy. My depression took over. I lost a lot of weight from not eating a lot. The only times I ate was when my mom made me.

I sighed as I walked down the hospital halls. My blue eyes were clouded with tears. Once again, Sabrina needed surgery.

When I walked into her room, it was still hard not to ball out crying. My angel, my everything was dying. I sat next to her and ran a hand through her blonde hair.

Sabrina's hospital room had a lot of flowers. Even Craig gave her flowers. While looking at Sabrina, I lost it. I buried my head in my hands and cried.

"S-Sabrina! I'm so sorry! This should have happened to me! Not you! I don't want you to leave!" I said, feeling a lot of tears fall from my eyes.

I honestly didn't care if my eyes were getting sore from crying. This was it. Sabrina was going to die. I would have to wake up everyday and never see her alive again. I would have to see her grave, knowing all of this could have been avoided.

Sabrina's life was only expected to live for another 24 hours. I stood up and sat on Sabrina's hospital bed. I gave her a kiss on her cold pale lips, knowing those were going to one of my last kisses to her.

I really wanted her to open her pretty green eyes and be okay. I pulled away and saw some of my tears fell on her ocean blue hospital gown.

I pulled away and wiped my teary eyes. I knew for a fact I was going to stay with Sabrina now until her heart stopped beating.

I looked at the clock and realized it was 2:05 am. My parents already knew I was here.

"Your last day alive, baby, I am so sorry." I choked out.

I sat in the chair next to Sabrina and laid back. I stared at the ceiling and fell asleep.


I woke up feeling someone shake me awake. I opened my eyes and saw a nurse with long blonde hair and brown eyes. I looked around and still saw Sabrina's body, thank god.

"What time is it?" I asked.


I sighed and sat up, "Has she gotten any better?"

The nurse gave me a sad look and said, "No."

I sighed and she left the room. I walked into the bathroom and got ready for the whole day to be filled with sadness.

When I got out of the bathroom, I saw Cartman, looking at Sabrina.

"Cartman?" I asked.

"She looks terrible..." He mumbled putting some flowers on her nightstand. I saw tears in the corners of his brown eyes. Wait, tears?

"Wait Cartman, are you crying?"

"No! There's just something in my eyes!" Cartman said while I walked over to him.

I hugged him. I know, strange but whatever.

"I miss her." I mumbled.

"It's going to be hard not seeing her anymore," Cartman said.

"I-I know."

Cartman pulled away and said, "I-I gotta go."

I nodded while he left the room. I walked back over to Sabrina and sat next to her. "I-I love you s-so much, S-Sabrina," I said.

I fell asleep while tears streamed down my cheeks, knowing that when I woke up, Sabrina was going to be dead.

*Sabrina's POV:*

"Am I alive? What's happening to me? Am I dead?" My thoughts asked.

I realized I was able to wake up. I tried to make my eyes open, but it went slowly. When my green eye fully opened, I was staring at a ceiling.

"Where am I?" My thoughts asked.

I looked around, realizing I had only 1 eye vision. My eye made out a hospital room. I touched my left eye with my left hand and felt a bandage.

I looked down and saw my right arm from the elbow to fingers wrapped up in a cast. I look down and saw my left foot wrapped heavily in a cast. I touched my eye bandage again and felt something wrapped around my head. I touched my head, feeling bandages wrapped around them.

I sat up a little, but felt a pain in my chest. I whimpered in pain.

"What happened?" I asked, my voice raspy.

Everything started flooding back to me. The train hitting me, me flying in the air and falling onto the ground, Kenny, Stan, Cartman, and Kyle hovered over me with worried look on their faces.

My eye went wide. I turned my head and saw Kenny. He looked a lot skinnier. Trust me, I know when my boyfriend loses weight. He was sleeping.

"God I hope I can see out of my other eye." I thought.

I used my free hand to reach up on my eye bandage. Luckily my eye bandage was wrapped around my head bandage, making it easier to get off. I untied the bandage, making it fall into my lap.

I slowly opened my right eye. I smiled widely, knowing I could see out of it. I looked at my blonde hair. I remembered it being covered in my blood.

I looked at Kenny and smiled weakly,  "Kenny." I whispered in a raspy voice.

"Kenny!" I whispered louder.

Kenny shook his head and opened his eyes. He looked at me. His ocean blue eyes went wide while his mouth hung open a little.

"Sabrina!" Kenny yelled jumping up and running over to me.

He pulled me into a hug softly, being careful not to hurt me. I felt some tears drip down my neck. I gave a weak smile and lazily hugged Kenny's neck. Kenny pulled away and stared at me.

"Sabrina, I thought you were going to die!" Kenny choked out.

I wiped his tears away and cupped his cheek with my hand that wasn't wrapped up. Kenny held my hand that was on his cheek and smiled.

"Sabrina, a-all of this is my f-fault!" Kenny said with a look of guilt on his face.

"Kenny, none of this is your fault."

"But Sabrina, if I wouldn't have said we should race, none of this could have happened!"

I pecked his cheek and said, "Kenny, all that matters now is that I'm okay."

Kenny nodded and said, "I love you Sabrina."

I smiled and said, "I love you too, Kenny."

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