finding her

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The cons opened a pod bumblebee heard a shout "let go of me" the demanded then "murderer" bee looked over his hiding spot and saw her his best friend thought to be lost arcee shook of the 2 drones restraining her and went invisible suddenly Megatron shot in a random direction arcee was flung back she attempted to heal "scrap" Megatron got his blade out "prepare to join your mother arcee!" Arcee shut her optics tight she heard a clang but no pain she look "Megatron be gone arcee aid they others" optimus said "right" she responded she dashed for every one else
"I come outta stasis and this is what I'm face with oh well. Try and hit me if able your only jealous because I'm stable you want to know why cuz I'm a Prime" arcee sang (yes sang because of causeway) soon she was going against knockout he said "do you know what happened to that brother of yours" "what did you do to him interrogate him and then kill him" she answered "no we made him useful" he teased arcee punched him right in the face plus from all the other injuries he had from the fight "Lord Megatron I would suggest a retreat" he said "agreed RETREAT!" Megatron responded soon the cons were all gone. Arcee walked up to bee and said "guess that day wasn't the last time you talked" [I missed you cee] he said hugging her "rachet ground bridge is necessary were bringing someone home they all went though the bridge when rachet noticed "ar...arcee?" "Maestro it's good to see you again but  unfortunately I couldn't keep up with my studies" she said "haha that's ok arcee now let's take a look a you"

Ok that's it what you guys think list any suggestions in the comments I'll try my best to use them😉

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