[ Chapter 1 ]

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Everyone knew about Xahji and Snazzy.

"Woah. I can't believe a jock is dating a nerd," someone whispered.

"I know right! It's just not right," said another.

"Are you really sure you know what you're doing, Snazzy?" A jock asked him.

This jock was named Paperjam.

"I mean- I'm not saying that it's a bad thing that you're dating a nerd. Heck, I'm even dating one!" PJ added.

Snazzy semi-nodded and sighed.

"I know, I know. It's weird. Sometimes when I'm with Xahji..I feel like someone is..watching me.."

PJ sat up and turned to Snazzy. "Watching you? Who could possibly be doing that..?"

"Uh," Snazzy looked down, trying to find the words. He inhaled and turned to PJ.

"Adina. I think Adina is watching me."

PJ's eyes widened. "A-Adina? Why do you th-think that..?"

Snazzy sighed. "I don't know. It's just that whenever me and Xahji are together..she always..gets mad.."

PJ put a hand on Snazzy's shoulder. "Heh, I'm sure she's not watching you. It's probably all in your head."

Snazzy stood silent, not knowing what to say.

"She said she'd come back."


"She said she'd come back."

Those words made Snazzy have a shiver down his spine.

"Well," PJ patted Snazzy on the back, standing up, "if you don't feel safe, just tell someone like a teacher."

"You know what? You're right. I should tell a teacher." Snazzy said confidently.

"That's the spirit!" PJ picked up his bag from off the floor and walked out the gym.

"Tell the teacher.." Snazzy told himself again.

He shook the thoughts that were lingering in his head and got up, grabbing his bag with him.

Snazzy felt his phone vibrate, and he took it out of his pocket.

Swifty: Ice cream? My treat!

Snazzy smiled at the text from his brother.

Snazzy: Sure, okay! I'll meet you guys there.

Without another word, Snazzy slipped his phone back into his pocket and headed out the gym door.


Howdy! How are you guys? I've finally gotten the motivation to write another fanfic! I hope this fanfic is longer than the other one! I hope you guys enjoy this fanfic, and I'll make new chapters as soon as possible! Love you guys! 💕

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