[ Chapter 7 ]

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"This is the place!" Colonna called from the backseat.

The trio hopped out the car, and Snazzy stared at the big house. It was a giant mansion with beautiful roses and vines. It almost looked as if Adina was a princess.

What a nice house, thought Snazzy, very nice indeed...

"C'mon Snazzy," Colonna pulled Snazzy's arm, "if you want to save Xahji, we might as well hurry!"

Snazzy nodded and the three went up to the big house.

Goth inhaled and knocked on the door.

Adina immediately opened the door with a surprise but confused look on her face.

"Where's Xahji?!" Colonna yelled from behind Snazzy and Goth.

"Xahji? Isn't she at her house?" Adina tilted her head slightly.

"No..you took her, remember?" Goth leaned on the doorway.

"Oh my! I would never take Xahji! She's my..best friend!" Adina cried.

"Suuuuuuure," Colonna said, not falling for it.

"I'm serious!!" Adina said enthusiastically.

"Then prove it." Snazzy stepped up infront of her.

"Well, I have this picture of us together!" Adina held her phone up to Snazzy. It was a picture of both of them, hanging out at a coffee shop.

"It was probably photoshopped!" Colonna yelled, and Goth covered her mouth.

"Well, we'll have to check your house." Goth said, uncovering Colonna's mouth.

Goth let himself in, and the others followed him.

"Search where ever you would like." Adina smiled.

How could anyone search in here? This place is massive! We would need a whole swat team to find Xahji.

"Let's split up," Goth told the two, "I'll search in the kitchen, Snazzy, you search Adina's bedroom, and Colonna, you search downstairs! All clear?"

"Clear!" The two called back.

"Let's go!"


Colonna slowly crept downstairs.

Man, this place is really creepy.

"Oooo, very nice!" Colonna looked around the basement. There were books everywhere.

"I wonder if Adina has read all of these. It would be unlikely since she is a jock, right?" Colonna mumbled to herself.

Colonna searched everywhere. Still nothing.

Her eye caught something, and she looked at a blanket that was covering something. She took the blanket off and it revealed a lever!

Colonna gasped and switched the lever. The wall opened slowly, and Colonna saw..

"Xahji!" Colonna exclaimed.

Xahji looked up and smiled, "Colonna!"

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry about this! Here, let me-"

"Help her out?"

Colonna turned to see Adina.

"I'm not letting that happen!" Adina said, tackling Colonna to the floor.

"Hel-" Adina covered Colonna's mouth, and she tied her up.

"There!~" Adina said happily.

"You'll never get away with this!" Colonna cried.

"Oh," Adina walked out and flipped the lever,

"I already have."

The wall closed.

Revenge - Xahji x Snazzy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now