A Nightinglae Sang chapters 21,22,23

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Chapter 21. Dark Days.

The January morning was dark, damp and cold. Fanny dragged herself from under the covers, her attic room so cold she could see her breath. The freezing temperature meaning she dressed quickly. Todd had told her layers were the trick, lots of layers.

"They trap the air between the layers and that keeps you warm, Frances," he told her.

They had been a couple for over twelve months, spending what ever leave they had together. The other Land Army girls teased her unmercifully saying she would soon be wed. She laughed off their words but secretly she longed for Todd to propose. She had never felt like this in her life about anybody. She counted the hours they were apart, falling into daydreams about the time they spent together. They had shared simple pleasures walking in the countryside, holding hands in the pictures, kissing shyly in the back row. Walking along the seafront even if they couldn't go on the beach because of the barbed wire. She loved him, had done since she had first said hello. She was certain he loved her and lately his kisses and caresses had become more passionate. They had not made love, but Fanny could not help wandering what it would be like? If what she felt when his hand cupped her breast through her clothes was anything to go by it would be heaven.

Once she had done the morning milking, she and Todd were heading up to Milton he had asked her to introduce him to her mother. How she wished John would be there , she was dreading Todd meeting her mother, if only her brother could be there just to ensure that things went well. But John was in Malta, and she missed him terribly.

Strange that it had taken his posting abroad to make her realise just how much she loved her brother. He could be so irritatingly good, always doing what was expected of him, always making the right choices and decisions. Always putting the family first. That was what she had only realised once he was gone, John never put himself first, it was always her, or their mother, or the mill. She suddenly realised how much he had sacrificed. Before the war he worked like crazy in the mill, not going to university as he would have wished. When John had left school the country was gripped in the depression he had worked day and night to keep the mills viable. Had he ever had a girlfriend? Had he known fun or love like she had? She wished she could tell him how grateful she was, but all she could do was pray he was safe. His letters home were rare, just two in twelve months and the news from Malta was worse now than it had ever been.

Sighing, she splashed some cold water on her face, and made her way quietly down the small staircase. Unlatching the kitchen door, she stepped out into the frigid morning air; the farmyard still bathed in moonlight. Conscious of the cold, Fanny hurried across the farmyard towards the milking shed.

She was busy breaking the ice that had formed in the water troughs when the cows were ushered in by Leonards.

"Morning Duchess how about a cuddled to fend of the cold," he sneered.

Moving behind her he grabbed her around the waist. Fanny struggled free and moved away from him. Time didn't make him any more pleasant.

"Spoilsport, are you this frigid with your fella, I could warm you up a bit."

"Go away you disgust me," Fanny hissed.

"What's his name your bloke. In the army isn't he over at Aldershot. Have you let him in your knickers yet." He laughed, as Fanny blushed. "Yanks will be here soon you'd better not get to friendly with them Duchess. I don't mind you going with one of our lads but not a yank."

Fanny moved away and began milking. She had never brought Todd here to the farm, she hadn't really known why not, but Leonards words scared her and she was glad now she hadn't. Something told her he would have caused trouble for Todd.

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