A Nightingale Sang Chapters 24, 25 ,27

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Chapter 24 Recovery Relief and Redemption.

Ann Latimer was at his side, she realised the nurses were gossiping about her relationship with the handsome Wing Commander, well let them gossip. The nurse knew it was not her name he was calling out in his delirium what they didn't realise was how it hurt her to hear him call another persons name with such desperation. Who was this Margaret? What hold did she have over Wing Commander Thornton? Why did she dislike a woman she had never met, Ann realised that she had no justification for feeling so jealous. He had never done anything to suggest he thought of her as anything other than a friend. He hadn't needed to, she had developed a full blown crush from the moment she had first seen him. So tall and proud, so full of compassion. He had been unlike any other officer she had ever seen. Ann sighed and stroked his hand, her mind wandering back to an evening several weeks ago.

They had been a concert at a local church to raise money for the soup kitchen. Many local families relied on the meal they could get there two or three times a week. Families could not go everyday, they did not have the supplies but they could go three times a week. To many homeless people it was the difference between starving and surviving. They had been out twice before as" friends" but Ann wanted more. She was in love with John Thornton and longed for him to take her in his arms. She dreamt about what his kiss would feel like.

They had been forced to shelter in a cellar, when the air raid warning had gone off. In the dark with bombs going off all around them she had trembled with anticipation this was the moment she had waited, for totally alone with the man she loved. John had mistook her trembling as fear from the bombs and had put his arms around telling her he would keep her safe. It was heaven sitting next to him his arm draped casually round her shoulder. Ann waited for him to pull her closer but he didn't move. Ann was a good looking woman, she was used to turning men's heads but John Thornton was different. He had been talking to her about the concert. She still remembered his shock when she had cut his words of with her lips. His mouth had widen slight in surprise and she had deepen the kiss.

"Ann please..."

She had not wanted to hear his rejection and she had placed his fingers against his mouth.

"Shh no words," Ann spoke as she pulled away.

John had seemed lost in his thoughts, taking no notice of her at all.

She could make him want her. Moving away to the opposite corner she had quietly removed her jacket, shirt and bra. Had he been concentrating on her he would have realised what she was doing but the first he knew was when she appeared before him. He could make out the pale outline of her breasts. She reached up and kissed him again. Pushing herself against his body.

"Ann please don't."

She cut his words off by kissing him as she fumbled with his buttons.

"Ann stop!" He pushed her firmly away. "I won't do this, I love somebody else. I'm so sorry if I led you to believe I wanted this." His hand gestured towards her.

Tears trickled down her cheeks.

"You didn't do anything." she whispered.

Her mind came back to the present. She had made a fool of herself, she realised that now and yet John had been so good about it even though he must have been so embarrassed.

"Ann?" John croaked.

"Yes John I'm here?"

"I need to write a letter to somebody will you write what I say and get it sent back to England on the next boat.?"

"You have to rest and regain your strength."

"No, I know how sick I am, the odds on my pulling through are slim. I have to do this."

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