2. What About Snow Pea?

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Family Don't End in Blood

2. What About Snow Pea?

Gravel crunched beneath the tires of your Ford Taurus as you pulled into the parking lot of a very familiar bar. Though you'd never been in allowed inside as a child, you'd heard enough stories that took place in the bar to feel like you'd been there yourself. The back seat and trunk of your car were packed to the brim with your belongings. You hadn't set up housing for yourself or enrolled in school. You didn't even know where you'd be sleeping for the night. But you knew that returning to Riverdale meant facing the Serpents that frequently hung out inside the Whyte Wyrm.

Killing the engine, you inhaled deeply and opened the door. Locking the car, you tucked the keys into your pocket and stepped around to the front door. It creaked as it swung open, alerting the patrons inside to your arrival. Most of them paid you no mind, until your lack of leather jacket and combat boots set you apart from the crowd.

"Who are you?" a middle-aged man with long brown hair and a beard inquired with a rough voice.

"(y/n)," you replied softly, hoping that your father's stories of being friends with the Serpents were true. "(y/n) (l/n)."

"(l/n)," repeated another voice. From behind the first man stood one of roughly the same height, his black hair slicked back, black stubble decorating his jaw. "Tobias's girl?"

You nodded. "I'm looking for FP Jones."

"What for?" the first man demanded. The second held up a hand, effectively silencing his protests. You wondered if he was their leader.

"I'm FP," he informed you.

"My father said that if anything were to happen to him that I should find you," you stated.

His brow furrowed. "Has something happened to him?"

Your gaze cast down at the dirty bar floor. "He's dead."

Silence fell over the Serpents. Your heart pounded in your ears. Would they be upset? Would they mourn? Would they celebrate?

"That is awful news," FP sighed. "Tobias was a good man, a true Serpent, and a great friend. He will be missed."

An arm draping over your shoulders brought your gaze back up to the man before you. FP smiled softly. "Let's get you something to eat. Where are you staying?"

As he led you to the bar, you shook your head. "Nowhere, at the moment. I just got back to town. All of my stuff is in my car. I don't have anywhere to go."

"You can stay with us," FP offered as he sauntered around the bar. He caught eyes with a boy around your age, wearing a grey beanie atop his raven waves. "Right, Jug?"

The boy turned and offered his hand. "Jughead Jones the third. You said your name was (y/n)?"

You nodded, placing your hand in his. "Jughead? Have we met before?"

FP smiled fondly. "Yeah, you used to play together as kids. Tobias and I could hardly keep you apart. Jug, how about you show her around, introduce her to your friends?"

Jughead nodded, wrapping an arm around you the way FP had. He rose from the bar, prompting you to follow suit, and led you through the crowd towards the pool table. Sitting in a couple of beat-up chairs along the wall sat a thin brunette and a tan boy with an undercut. They both glanced up at Jughead's arrival and offered you welcoming smiles.

"This is (y/n)," he informed them. "(y/n), this is Toni and Fangs."

The girl rose from her seat and offered her hand. "Toni Topaz. Nice to have another girl in the group."

"Fangs Fogarty," the male stated, waving from where he sat.

"She's not in the group, Topaz," said another voice. You glanced to the pool table where the tallest Serpent stood, leaning over the green felt and black metal like he owned it. You wouldn't admit that he was attractive, especially if he was casting you out before you were even introduced.

Jughead exhaled a sigh. "(y/n), this is Sweet Pea. Don't mind him – he's a jerk."

The tall Serpent stood and turned to face you. A smirk crossed his lips as he took in your appearance, but he quickly dismissed it, ordering himself not to get interested. "You're not a Serpent."

"My father was," you countered. "Besides, I just got here."

Jughead's arm tightened around you. "Leave her alone, Sweet Pea."

Sweet Pea scoffed and turned back to his game. Toni offered you a smirk for standing up to him as Jughead led you back to the bar. FP had set a plate of fries in front of your seat, and you smiled thankfully as you sat down, immediately stuffing a handful of them into your mouth.

Jughead laughed softly. "It's nice to see a girl that can eat."

"I drove for too long without stopping," you murmured around the fries, choking them down and chasing them with a drink of the soda that FP had poured for you. "I'm starving."

"Let's go get some food then," Jughead offered, slipping on his leather jacket. "We can bring Toni and Fangs."

"What about Snow Pea?" you inquired, hopping off the stool.

Laughter sounded from both Jughead and FP.

"He might come, but I think you can handle yourself," Jughead smiled. He led you back to where Toni and Fangs sat.

"We're gonna head to Pop's," he informed them. "You coming?"

"I could use a milkshake," Toni stated, rising from her seat and plucking her jacket from the back of it.

"I'm down for a burger," Fangs nodded, rising to his feet.

"You coming Sweet Pea?" Toni inquired, her eyes darting between you and the tall Serpent.

Sweet Pea gazed at you with an unimpressed gleam in his eye. "Sure, why not."

You glanced at Jughead, who shrugged as he led you outside. The four of them approached a line of motorcycles, and Sweet Pea waited for you to change your mind. Instead, you rounded to the back of your car and popped the trunk. The four teens watched in curiosity as you rummaged through your belongings, finally producing a motorcycle helmet – a gift from your father when you were thirteen and he finally allowed you to ride his.

Strapping it onto your head, you turned to the others. "So, who am I riding with?"

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