7. I Think I Do

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I Think I Do

"What are you going to do?"

You were seated in a corner booth at Pop's. Across from you was Toni, nursing a chocolate shake while listening to your detailed recollection about finding out you were pregnant and confessing to Sweet Pea after he'd rescued you. Your own (f/flavor) shake had barely been touched, the ice cream nearly melted and the whipped cream faded into foam.

"I don't know," you sighed, leaning back against the back cushion. "I haven't spoken to Sweet Pea since I told him. He avoids me every time he sees me. I walked into the Wyrm last night and he took off mid-game. I don't know if he wants to be involved, and I don't know if I want him involved, and I don't want him to think I'm trying to trap him in some kind of relationship. We had one fling after months of him hating me and we were careful! How did this happen?"

She reached across the table and rested a slender hand on your arm. "You know condoms aren't foolproof. Shit happens. Just... talk to Sweet Pea."

"How am I supposed to talk to him when he runs at the sight of me?" you murmured softly. You leaned down, crossing your arms atop the table and resting your head on them. Toni rubbed gentle circles on your skin, sighing softly as she finished off her shake.

"Sweet Pea!"

The tall Serpent raised his gaze from the ground as he sat on the couch at the quarry. He lifted a brow as a frustrated Toni strutted towards him, coming to a halt in front of the couch.

"What's up, Topaz?"

The glare on her face was enough to make Sweet Pea audibly gulp. No one else had that effect on him.

"Why haven't you spoken to (y/n)?" the small Serpent demanded. "She's beating herself up over this. She's not trying to trick you into anything; she just wants to talk to the father of her baby about what to do about the baby."

"I shouldn't be involved," Sweet Pea murmured. "I can't be a father, and I'll look like an ass if I'm not involved or if I tell her not to keep it. I don't know what to say to her."

Sitting beside Sweet Pea, Toni gazed into the tall Serpent's chocolate brown eyes, trying to read his crestfallen expression. Her own eyes widened and she leaned back as surprised settled in. "Oh, my God... You care about her."

The brick wall that protected Sweet Pea from letting people get too close quickly rebuilt itself and he turned his head away. "Shut up, Topaz. I do not."

The brunette grinned. "Yes, you do! That's why you're afraid to talk to her! Come on, Sweets. I know you. You have to go to her and figure this out. Even if you don't want a relationship, even if you don't want to be involved, you need to talk about this."

Sweet Pea exhaled a sigh as he lifted his gaze to Toni's stern expression. She raised her brow for emphasis, and he groaned softly.

"Fine," he agreed. "I'll go."

Toni clapped triumphantly as her friend rose from his seat and trudged across the quarry towards his bike.

When a knock sounded on your trailer door, you expected to find Toni on the other side. Upon opening it, surprise flooded you at the sight of Sweet Pea lingering awkwardly on your porch. His fingers toyed with his rings, his weight shifted from one foot to the other, and his chocolate colored eyes met every inch of your trailer except for your face.

"Sweets?" you greeted softly. "What are you doing here?"

He finally lifted his head and met your gaze. "I'm here to talk. Can I come in?"

With a nod, you stepped aside, letting the tall Serpent pass through the door. You closed it with a thump while he stood awkwardly in your living room.

"You can sit," you told him, gesturing to your couch. He nodded awkwardly, dropping his weight onto the worn cushions. You followed suit, sitting at the opposite end and folding your legs beneath you.

"I'm sorry I haven't called," he began with a sigh. "I just... I didn't know what to say, and I didn't know if you wanted to see me."

You nodded softly. "I wasn't sure either. I didn't want to bug you, either. I'm not gonna force you to be involved, Sweets. I haven't decided for sure if I'm going to keep the baby... But if I do, you and I don't have to be a couple."

He turned to face you, and you could see a swarm of emotions fighting for top billing in his eyes. Fear, concern, uncertainty... Emotions that matched your own.

"Do you want to keep it?" he inquired softly.

You chewed your lower lip in thought. That was the one question you hadn't asked yourself. You'd listed the pros and cons of abortion, adoption, and parenting. You'd questioned whether or not you wanted Sweet Pea involved, and how you would feel if he didn't want to be. You'd contemplated the reality of raising a child in a town as dangerous as Riverdale.

But you hadn't asked yourself what you wanted.

"I think I do," came your response, your voice barely above a whisper.

Warm hands enveloped yours, and Sweet Pea rubbed his thumb over your knuckles. Your gaze fell to your intertwined hands as he spoke again.

"I think I do, too," he murmured. You lifted your eyes to gauge his expression, and you found sincerity in his features.

"Does that mean... you want to be involved?" you questioned.

He nodded. "I'm the father of this baby. I want to be its dad, too. I want to be there during your pregnancy and take you to the hospital and help you raise our child."

"I would love that," you replied, a smile splitting your lips as tears bubbled in your eyes. Sweet Pea lifted a hand to your cheek, his thumb brushing the freshly shed tears from your cheek.

"What does that make us?" you questioned, leaning into his hand.

He shrugged softly. "Parents. We can start slow. Maybe we can date, but let's focus on the baby."

You nodded. "I like the sound of that." This was a much softer side of Sweet Pea that you hadn't realized existed. Perhaps he was more interested in you and your baby than you had considered. You scooted closer, leaning into his side.

"Do you want to stay for a movie?"

"Sounds great," Sweet Pea smiled.

You flipped on the TV, pressing "Play" on the DVD player and letting whatever movie you'd been using as background noise restart.

*Since someone threw a fit about it, I feel the need to point out that the reader always had the option of an abortion, and that many women take that route. I, personally, would not be able to go through with that. Plus, I love babies, so if I were ever accidentally pregnant, I would want to keep it. I'm aware that not everyone feels that way, but this is my story, so the reader is keeping the baby.

** Terminology is important to me. The father created the baby. The dad takes care of the baby. They may be the same person, and that's awesome. Sometimes the father isn't involved. Sometimes a person's dad didn't create them. It's the same way with mother vs mom. Just to clear up any confusion that Sweet Pea's statement may have caused.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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