6. My Mother Was a Serpent?

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My Mother Was a Serpent?

A/N: Thank you so much to my loyal readers, especially the ones who requested that I write a legit Sweet Pea story in the first place. I hadn't planned on it but this might honestly be my favorite multi-chapter fic I've ever written.

To tell or not to tell. That was the question.

You'd only been in Riverdale for a month, and though you adored the people you'd come to know thus far, you weren't sure if you could trust them with this kind of information. You also felt like a burden, dropping a bomb like this, and you weren't sure they'd want to know.

When your mind blanked and you didn't know what to do, your body worked on auto pilot and carried you to the Wyrm. It had become your safe haven, and right now, you needed to feel safe.

You were a block away from the bar when footsteps sounded behind you. Before you could turn around to investigate, a filthy hand clapped over your mouth to stifle your protests. You dropped your jaw to scream, but it was horribly muffled behind the palm of your captor. An arm wrapped around your torso, holding your arms at your sides. Your entire body wriggled and struggled, but to no avail. Whoever had grabbed you was far stronger than you, and your body was delicate now. You couldn't fight back too hard.

An unknown figure emerged from the shadows, a sinister smirk directed towards you. His hair was dark and unkempt, his face dusted with dirt and stubble. His clothes were black and torn, but the expression on his face told you that he didn't care how he looked. There was an air of authority to him, as though he thought he owned the world. Fear stabbed your heart like an icicle, your heart pounding in your ears. You tried to scream again, but the hand on your mouth only pressed harder, limiting your breath.

The man before you grinned. "Good job, boys. Take her back to the House."

Your captor dragged you towards a car and called for another man in black to open the back door. Once it was open, the man holding you threw you inside, and you coughed as you finally caught your breath. Your hand subconsciously rested on your belly as the two men crawled into the driver's and passenger's seats and started the engine. You didn't bother protesting as they drove you to "the House." No one could hear you from inside the car, and you weren't sure what they would do to a noisy captive.

"Where is she?" Toni wondered aloud as she wiped down the bar. You were supposed to meet her there to talk, but as she glanced at the time on her phone, she discovered that you were too hours late. Every phone call went straight to voicemail, and no one else had heard from you all day.

"You haven't seen her, Pea?" the brunette inquired of her tall friend.

Sweet Pea shook his head as he sat at the bar. "Haven't even texted."

Toni exhaled a groan. "She's never once stood me up. Why didn't she show?"

Fangs settled onto a stool beside Sweet Pea. "I'm getting concerned. She's always here. You should be concerned too, Sweet Pea."

Before the tall Serpent could question why he should be concerned about a girl he'd slept with and most definitely did not have feelings for, FP's deep voice answering a phone call silenced the patrons of the Wyrm.

"What do you mean, you have her? What the hell did you do to her?"

All eyes turned to the Serpent King, waiting silently, desperate for news on your whereabouts.

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