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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

How to make someone fall in love with me? Simple. All I need to do is touch them with my hand and then there you go. Yup that's right. I am not kidding at all.

As soon as one or both of my hands come into contact with the skin of a person who is not biologically related to me (thank goodness for that!) he or she immediately falls in love with me, but there is also a catch. The catch is that that person is only in love with me for five consecutive days and on the sixth day he or she forgets about everything that happened. Even other people will forget on the sixth day and it will be like no-one except from me knows that those five days ever happened. It also works on more than one person and make them fall in love with me at the same time. But it only works once per person, so even if I touch the same person again he or she won't be in love with me anymore.

My name is Allison Wales and I am a seventeen year-old girl with dark wavy hair and pale skin. I got this curse (that's what I call it because I think it is more on negative than positive) last year when I went to an old shop called Minda's Timeless Goods, to buy a birthday gift for my older sister (she is twenty-four years old now and lives abroad) who collects antique stuff. What happened was I was holding that small glass jar with loose glass lid that sits on top of it and has glowing pink liquid inside (I like things that glow, so that definitely caught my attention), when a rat that jumped off the shelf surprised me and I accidentally dropped the glass jar onto the table. The jar rolled on its side and the lid was removed but they're not broken. Unfortunately, the glowing pink liquid spilled into my hands and all over the table.

An old lady (Minda, the store owner) came to me and gave me a cloth to wipe my hands with. I was really sorry for what happened so I paid her the price plus a little extra, though as I handed her the money she insists that I don't need to pay her and starts saying something about being careful with my hands but I already ignored her and started rushing towards the exit.

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