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Alright. I woke up early to do the necessary transformation to myself. I curled my hair, waxed my under-arms, arms, legs and bikini line, put some make-up, and wore my sexy black V-neck dress with matching leggings. I opened the door to the classroom and find that he's there already.

"Hi. Good morning!" I said in a very high pitch tone. He looks incredibly shocked.

"Good morning!" He said. He looks at me from top to bottom then said, "Oh. You look... different."

"Um. Thanks?" I said, feeling slightly offended.

I waited for him to say something more, but he just went back to reading his notes.

Okay, I think he's the shy type who doesn't know how to express his feelings properly. I need to work this up. We don't have much time. I already wasted yesterday. Now I need to move and speed things up.

I sat beside him and leaned towards him, flaunting my cleavage while pretending to look at his notes. "Wow! You really wrote a lot! Can I borrow your notes?" I said to him. His eyes moved from my chest then directly at my eyes.

"Yeah. Sure." He said. His face is starting to turn pink.

"Thank you! I really appreciate it!" I said, then I hugged him tight and he is now all red.

"You're welcome" He said.

"I have an idea! Come with me later at the Summer-stone Park and I'll treat you some chocolate rocks." I said to him.

"Chocolate rocks?"

"Yup! They're basically chocolates that look like rocks, but they're really good. You like non-edible looking food right?"

"Right. Okay then I'm looking forward to those chocolate rocks," he said and then smiled.

"Okie. Let's go there right after class" I said, then smiled back at him.

Then our other classmates came in, until the class started already and went on as usual.

Allison and the Crazy, Magical Thing Called True LoveWhere stories live. Discover now