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It's now lunch break and we are eating together at the cafeteria.

"So you're leaving the town?" I asked him.

"Yes. My brother and I will leave for my surgery, but I already convinced him that we'll go back and stay in this town after my surgery." He said.

"You better come back right away okay?"

"I will. I'll be back for you." He said, smiling and then continued, "Um... About the curse... How can you break it?"

"I have no idea. The shop where I got it was demolished already and I've tried searching it on the internet, but got no results."

"Oh. I was just wondering if we could break it."

"I know it sucks. I'm Sorry."

"No need to be sorry. It's just that I want to see and feel your hands."

"I can show my hands to you, but you just can't touch them."


I removed my gloves one by one and then placed my hands on the table to show him.

He is staring at my hands directly and it's like he's looking carefully at each detail.

"They're beautiful like the rest of you."

"Shhh... You don't need to inform everyone that you've seen every bit of me." I muttered to him, feeling embarrassed.

My hands are still at the table, when a boy accidentally spilled some drinks into my right hand and then immediately started wiping it with a piece of paper napkin.

"Oh no. I'm really sorry," the boy said to me.

"It's okay." I said

"Amber your hand! He touched it!" Arthur yelled to me.

"OH. NO. THE CURSE!!!" I said in panic and then I started wearing my gloves again.

Arthur and I both stared at the boy.

"Um... I'm really really sorry. It was an accident." The boy said.

"Is the curse working already?" Arthur asked me.

"Maybe...?" I said.

"What curse?" The boy asked, looking confused.

"What do you think of her?" Arthur asked him.

"What?" The boy asked.

"Do you like her? Do you want to kiss her?" Arthur asked him.

"Arthur!" I exclaimed.

"Um... She's very pretty..." The boy said.

"Oh no," I said.

"How long before the curse is gone?" Arthur asked me.

"It works for five consecutive days. On the sixth day, it's gone."

"But I can't kiss her," the boy said.

"Of course not, because I'm her boyfriend and I won't let you." Arthur said to him.

I feel myself blush as he mentioned boyfriend.

"Boyfriend?" I asked, smiling.

"Yup." Arthur said.

"I mean, I have a girlfriend and I love her," the boy said genuinely.

"What?" I muttered, feeling confused.

"But he touched your hand..." Arthur said to me.

"Yeah I think he did..." I said.

"Um... I have to go and sorry again." The boy said and then he left.

"So the curse is gone?" Arthur asked me.

"I'm not sure. I need to try and touch someone again."

"Touch me then."

"No. Not you. I don't want the curse to replace your true feelings for me."

"Okay. I'll choose who you'll touch then."

"How about that guy there. I'll just touch him." I said and pointed at a tall, blond, and fair-skinned, boy buying some food.

"No. Not him."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't trust him."

"Why? He looks like a nice guy."

"No. He looks like a guy who thinks he can get whatever he wants, just because he has good looks."

"Wow. That's being judgmental you know? Doesn't mean that he is good looking, he's a bad person."

"See, you're attracted to him."

"What? No. I think he's handsome, but I'm not attracted to him. I just chose him, because he seems to be confident and expressive. So once I touch him, we'll know right away if the curse is gone or not"

"Sorry. I just really don't want to lose you."

"You won't. I just need to know if the curse is really gone."

"Okay. Touch him, but I'll be watching."

"Okay I'll go and touch him now."

I went to the back of the blond guy and removed the glove on my right hand. I touched his right arm with my right hand, then he turned to face me.

"Hi! Do you know what drinks are available?" I asked him.

"Oh uh... They have fresh orange juice, lemonade, yoghurt smoothies, and water."

"Um... How about sodas?"

"I'm afraid they don't sell any soda."

"Okay. Thanks!"

"You're welcome."

I went back to the table with Arthur.

"So do you still have the curse? Is he in love with you?"

"He did not show any sign that he's in love with me, so maybe it's really gone."

"Okay, I'll talk to him to make sure."

"Okay, but I'll stay near you."

Allison and the Crazy, Magical Thing Called True LoveKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat