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I didn't know the curse at first. I just realized it later on after some unfortunate events. I guess I learned it the hard way. The first time the curse worked was last year when my ultimate crush Alen, a tall, brawny seventeen year-old boy with dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes, bumped into me in our school hallway and I had accidentally touched his hands with mine.

After that bumping incident he asked me out and we had dinner together that same day. At the restaurant we're talking and smiling the whole time. Later that night, he told me that he's in love with me and kissed me. I was so happy that time and I can't believe what's happening. The next day he waited for me at the school cafeteria where we ate together and he watches me while I'm eating. He keeps on telling me that I'm so beautiful, then he pulled me towards him and kissed me passionately right there in the school cafeteria in front of everyone. Around us I hear some people screaming, giggling, and asking questions how it happened, but I don't think any of that. I am just focused on his lips moving on mine.

On the third day after school he asked me to come with him at his apartment. We watched the television in the living room first until we went to his bedroom and then I lost my virginity. We woke up next to each other the next morning and went to school together. The fourth and fifth day were filled with sweet moments with us watching movie together, saying I love you to each other, holding hands, me receiving flowers from him, and some make-out sessions.

 The next day (sixth day) I went to him on lunchtime at the cafeteria and sat beside him, but he started moving away and asked me what I was doing. I thought he was kidding me, so I just laughed and told him how I would love to watch a movie or we could stay at his apartment again. But after a few seconds, he started yelling at me that I am crazy and he doesn't know what I'm talking about. I told him I love him and I looked at him right in the eyes, then he said clearly with no pause that he doesn't love me. At that moment I started crying hysterically and ran outside the school. I went home, locked myself in my room and cried the whole night. When my parents got home, I told them I had a fight with my friend (which is a really big lie since I don't really have a friend) and they tried to cheer me up, but all I can feel is sadness.

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